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Azelma, a petite thin 17 year old girl, followed the older girl around like a lost puppy. The older girl, a slightly taller and more rounded girl, was 19 and the older sister. She had black hair with brown eyes, her face gaunt, her skin with a layer of dirt on it. Azelma looked exactly like her but with brown hair and blue eyes, she was also shorter by 4 inches and about 2 waist sizes smaller. They wore their hair in a similar style, a French braid down their backs. Azelma wore baggy t-shirts or sweatshirts and leggings with combat boots while Éponine paired her boots off with black skinny jeans and a rock T. Their younger brother, though never around, was very similar in looks with black hair and blue eyes, he was 10. He was also almost always covered in a layer of dirt and his hair always ruffled around full of mud. People looked at the 3 of them oddly but never asked, they never asked about the bruises that would be on them or the scrapes that would line their faces. They always forced a smile and went on living life not telling anyone about their awful lives at home. Gavroche, Éponine and Azelma were the 3 kids of Brigitte and Théo Thénardier.
It was a cold night, like, chill to the bone shivering under your 3 sweaters cold and the 3 kids were huddled around the small fire in their apartment, the snow drifting through the broken window landing on one of the 2 cots. The door to their parents bedroom was closed and they could hear the adults laughing and drinking rum. The eldest stood up and grabbed the sous's from her jacket pocket. "I'm going to run to the market and get some bread and cheese for dinner." Azelma nodded and pulled her knees closer to her chest. Gavroche shot up, "Let me go with you!" Éponine immediately shook her head. "You have no jacket, Im still sewing the holes up in Az's old one for you." The young boy crossed his arms an sat next to his sister mumbling curse words in French making both sisters roll their eyes. "Don't let mama and papa leave. Javert is still out looking for them." The younger two quickly nodded and watched their sister slip out the front door. Éponine closed the apartment door and her eyes locked with Marius's. "Bonjour Monsieur." Marius was the love of her life, the only thing keeping her from giving herself up to Javert. "Éponine! Where are you headed off to in weather like this? It's much too cold and you don't have a proper jacket!" The black haired girl smiled wide at this and rolled up on to her toes. "I'm alright Marius! I'm tough, the cold doesn't really bother me." Marius narrowed his eyes at the small girl. The young boy had brown hair and brown eyes. He was a few inches taller than Éponine and his build was quite small. "Ép. You need to wear a jacket. It's snowing outside." He placed his jacket on the small girls shoulders but she just shrugged it off and handed it back. "I don't need it Monsieur. Honestly!" She ran off into the snow making the young man shake his head. When Éponine got to the market her hair was covered in snow and her arms had goosebumps. "Bonjour Madame Beaudin!" She said perkily to the elder woman. She handed Éponine the bread and cheese and shook her head when the black haired girl tried to hand her money. "Not today Éponine. Your siblings need it. Just come to my shop tomorrow and you can work it off." Éponine nodded and thanked the elder woman as she ran off. She walked through her door to see her father smacking Azelma. She threw the food on to the bed and covered it. Her eyes turned to pure rage and her fists clenched into balls. "Take your filthy hands off my sister!!!" She shoved him away and stood in front of her whimpering sister. "Touch her again and die!" Her fist flew and made contact with the man making a snapping noise as her wrist snapped. The man and grabbed her wrist and bent it. "Don't touch me!" He growled and went back to his room. Gavroche ran to both his sisters. "Your wrist is broken!" He knocked on the wall that was attached to Marius's room and the older boy ran in. "What happened?!" He saw Éponine sitting on the floor clinging to her wrist. "H-he snapped my wrist!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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