Chapter 15

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Third Person P.O.V~

There was a clap of thunder when (y/n) finished speaking as if the world around them was on her side, from that point on the sprinkling stopped as a sign for battle. (Y/n) wiped the grin off her face and kneeled down a little before charging at Akainu who already had his lava powers at hand. He held his ground waiting for (y/n)'s attack as she jumped up into the air in a crouched position, one hand reaching out and the other held back and surrounded by water. The polar forces collided in a large wave of air knocking over a few pirates and marines that were just that bit to close. Dust covered the area of the impact, it soon cleared seeing the two warriors holding out on one another like they were either in slow motion or frozen in time. The force of the attack made the ground creak beneath Akainu as it created a large creator around where he was standing.

   He throws his other hand at (y/n), which was also covered in lava. (Y/n) dodged it and jumped back a couple of times, Akainu launched himself at her with what seemed to be a lava jet. (Y/n) waited for her enemy to get close enough, her hands waved over the water lightly, it dispersed into small tiny balls of water floating in mid-air. Akainu was only three meters away from (y/n) before her hand turned into a fist and the water all turned into pin-like needles.
   "Water Commandment:...." "LAVA FIST!" "A thousand needles of death...!"
The two forces collided again only this time the water needles in front of (y/n) attacked Akainu first stopping his advance, the water soaked into his lava abilities creating steam but also to cool the lava down. He reached out to her as far as his arm was able to, he was so close, so very close, he could properly just touch the skin of (y/n)'s neck if only he had a couple more centimetres.

   (Y/n) panicked a little leaning as far back as she could, when Akainu's lava coated hand reached out to her, like some monster in a horror film, it was terrifying. She felt every muscle in her body tensing at the thought, at the feeling of getting touched by his hands again, the scorch mark on her neck seemed to burn in memory of when she first got it. How it burned her, how she screamed for many hours when doctors tried to remove the parts of cooled mulch and hot ash. To the eyes of all the onlooker's everything was happening within seconds, but in the world that (y/n) and Akainu were in it felt a hell of a lot longer. Both their minds in a complete rush causing the time to slow right down, the seconds felt like painful minutes, gravity didn't seem to affect either of them.

    All sound was distant... Heart rates increased... Every muscle locked in and tense.. The rush of blood through Akainu's body, thinking of nothing more but to kill (y/n)... (Y/n)'s body was running cold, at the memories that seemed to flash before her eyes... The only thing they were focused on was each other, either out of anger or fear, the two were completely locked on the other...

Readers P.O.V~

   I was frozen in time Akainu's hand was reaching out to me, I was in a complete panic as I leaned back and tried to jump away from his burning grasp. When I was finally out of range time resumed to normal as the hundreds of water needles attacked Akainu from every direction. I panted a little touching my neck as the burning sensation subsided, he didn't get me but I could image and feel of it if he did, I sigh glad to have gotten away in time. Dust was stirred up with the multiple needles shots attacking Akainu is every direction, his was jerking at inhuman rates from every single needle piercing his body.

   The dust continued to rise until I could no longer see him, I could hear the ear-piercing sound needles landing into Akainu. Darts of light blue coloured needles decreased until they stopped altogether, I wave my hand recalling the water back to my side. The water on the ground snaked its way over to me, before surrounding my feet with 5 inches of the water swallowing up my feet. Even at this level, I could feel myself weakening, but only by a small amount and also it's fresh water, so it's won't drain me too much. I wanted to smile but there was no way it could be this easy to beat Akainu, I waited patiently, watching the dust slowly clear.

   I catch a glimpse of red in the dust then one angry marine admiral, Akainu lashed out at such a speed I hopped onto my toes and jump back. But I was too slow, I gasp and go wide-eyed when I felt his fist come into contact with my stomach. I keel over and cough up a large amount of blood, my arms and legs were out like a half-folded chair.
   I felt pain ripple through my body as the burning sensation make all my pain receptors scream, I was sent flying across the battlefield, landing onto my head before being flung and skidded across the ground doing multiple backflips in the process. Before properly landing on the ground and slide across its hard surface for another 6 metres.

   If I wasn't in a horrid state after fighting Aokiji, I was now. I felt feverish letting out a long hot breath, I was on my stomach, arms beside me and my head turned to the side. Blood was soaking my (h/c) hair and running down my face, large gashes on my arms and legs. My top burnt around the area which Akainu's fist, leaving a brand new large scorch mark on my belly. I squeeze my eyes shut for a second, as I move my painful screaming muscles, I shift on one hand beneath me then the other, my movements were all twitchy and forced when I shuffled my legs closer to my body into a half push up position.

   I feel pain shot from my left leg, rattling my spine and sting my brain like a needle being shoved into the middle of my back causing the most agonising pain I have ever felt. I look down to notice that my lower left leg was broken, I cried out pushing my body weight onto my right leg and pushing myself up as carefully as I could. I wince in pain I finally get onto my one good foot, I could hear Akainu moving in, his pounding for steps made me shiver, I was now on the clock. If I didn't get up fast enough, who knows what he would do to me, I slowly force myself up but collapse and hiss in pain when I landed on my broken leg, I wanted to just lay there and give up, but I couldn't. More then my own life was on the line as I pushed myself back onto my good leg and lift myself up again.

   I stumbled a bit before placing my left foot down shooting pain into my spine, causing my leg to tremble, I lift it up slightly resting very little weight on my left leg as the toes just barely rested on the ground below me. I wave my hand to summon water and coat most of it against my broken leg as I limp over to Akainu slowly, one hand rested over my stomach as the other gave me remaining momentum to keep moving. I was in a worse condition then a sick, limping dog, no matter what I did I could constantly feel pain, if not from my leg, from my head or stomach.

   There was so much water that I used it to numb my leg completely, I manipulated the water to create a liquid leg surrounding my damaged one, but with it being numb I couldn't feel as much pain as I did before. So I walked on it normally like a prostatic leg, I shift some of the water to my head returning the blood back into my body and healing the open wound. I started to run towards Akainu, water surrounded my hands and I gave him a strong glare. I skidded on the ground in front of him, I hold my arms back "Water Commandment: Water Canon!" I lash both my arms out as water bursting into a concentrated, pressured force. But instead of knocking Akainu a few feet like I thought it would, he blocked at with his lava and made a large amount of steam burst forth affecting my vision.

   He bursts out from the side and grabs my arms, I yell in pain when feeling his fiery touch against my cool skin. He evaporates the water around my leg forcing to land on the ground, it burned my muscles like acid was just poured onto my skin, I scream out in pure pain. I could only turn my head to his cold grin, the grip he had on my arm made me panic a thousand times over 'I beg to God, NO!!!' But my prayer was answered when I felt Akainu grip my arms more tightly and placed a great deal of pressure on it before "SNAPP!" I bellowed in pain feeling the pain race up through my body before he punched me on the side of my face. I flew away from him hitting the ground harshly as every broken bone and cell screamed at me to stop.

   I twitched to move but instead, strong tiredness took over and I collapsed. My eyelids were so heavy, my breath shallow and weak, my heart rate got slower and slower. Darkness covered my vision, I didn't have anything felt in me, my body was shutting down, my mind thought of nothing my despair, my spirit crushed. I could feel blood oozing out of the corner on my mouth and my nose... I stared up at the darkened sky as tiny raindrops start falling down.... 'I'm sorry Ace... I guess I wasn't strong enough...'

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