03. To Fall Flat

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"Catch him."

Karim strode forward.

The guard gave a yelp, and decided that the sacred duty to his queen wasn't so important after all. Whirling around, he dashed off into the courtyard behind him. However, he had only been able to take a couple of steps before a large, dark hand closed around his neck.

"Now, now...not so fast. Let's talk, shall we? We are looking for someone."


Earlier that day, at the same army building...

"Pardon me. Is this the recruitment office of the British Army?"

"Yes, yes! Now get in here and don't waste my time."

Taking a deep breath, Adaira stepped into the office, her very best confident smile plastered onto her face. Behind a desk at the other side of the room, a portly man with a handlebar moustache and enough medals on his chest for a whole battalion was studying some documents. Immediately, she performed her most manly bow.

"Good day, Sir."

"Hm. That remains to be seen." Without looking up, the portly man gestured. "Well? What are you waiting for? Introduce yourself."

"Sir, yes, Sir! My name is George Adair, at your service, Sir. I have come in the hope to offer my strength to the British Army and serve Her Majesty the Queen with all my heart. Ever since I became a man, I've dreamed of fulfilling my patriotic duty. Please, give me a chance!"

With a last stroke of the quill, the military man finished his paperwork—then looked up. "Ever since you became a man, eh? Tell me...do you think I'm a fool?"

Adaira felt as if someone had emptied a bucket of ice water over her head. "P-pardon, Sir?"

The officer narrowed his eyes. "Don't you 'sir' me, you! Your disguise is blatantly obvious! Do you really think a trained military man like myself wouldn't spot it right off the bat?"

At those words, Adaira felt all the colour drain from her face. How? How had he seen through her brilliant disguise? She had bound her girly bits! For heaven's sake, she had even bought a fake mousta—

"And take that bloody ridiculous false moustache off! It's askew!"

"Oh. Um...of course, Sir."

Pulling the moustache off her face, she threw it aside—or at least she tried to. The darn thing stuck to her fingers!

Bloody hell! How had things gone so wrong? Adaira had been sure that, if Lilly could pull it off, so could she! Was it so hard to pull off a male disguise? Or was she simply so full of female charm that she would always be recognized as a lady?

Adaira had to admit, she liked the latter explanation better.

"So, ehem, Sir..." Adaira cleared her throat. "I'm very sorry. I truly am. But, how did you...?"

"...see through your disguise?"

"Yes, Sir."

"It's pretty obvious, lad."

Adaira blinked. Did he just say...lad? As in boy? What the—

"Don't worry." Pushing himself to his feet, the portly officer strode over and patted her on the back. "It's not like you're the first to try something like this."

"I, um...am not?"

The older man gave a snort. "Of course not! You're the twenty-third this month alone."

Adaira felt her jaw drop. That was something she had not expected. Was cannon fodder such a fascinating occupation for England's young ladies? Did they run to the recruitment office in droves?

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