We're Just Friends!

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Possible TW- mentions of suicide, drugs, self harm, eating disorders, mentions sexual assault (it won't be into detail but obviously I understand it's a sensitive topic)

Draco's POV
Astorias and I are arguing at the moment because she thinks I'm being dramatic about the whole Mattheo and y/n situation and whatever that even is.

"Astoria shes my sister and I know what he's like with girls. I'm sorry if it annoys you that I don't want her with him" I shouted.

What does she expect for me to just let my sister get her heartbroken.

"Yes I get that Draco but she can make her own decisions. Plus we don't even know if they're dating. They must just be good mates." She shouted back.

"I know we don't know but even if they're not they will end up dating and you didn't see how y/n was with her last boyfriend when they broke up it almost killed her." I shouted again

"You know Mattheo and you trust him so if you trust him  and he really is your best mate he wouldn't hurt your sister. Maybe he genuinely likes her. We don't know" Astoria argued.

"Please just listen. When her last boyfriend broke up with her she tried to fucking kill herself so I'm so fucking sorry if I'm worried about her. But she is my fucking sister and I cant lose her okay?" I shouted but my voice grew week as I spoke and ended in a whisper.

Astorias face dropped, "Draco, I didn't know. Why didn't you just say." I shrugged "but still mattheos a good guy he might've fucked up in the past but he wouldn't intentionally hurt you and he would know by hurting your sister you would be hurt" she said calmly.

"I just. I can't lose her. She always the one who's been there for me" I said a tear rolling g down my cheek.

Fuck. I hate crying.

Especially in front of people. I'm so fucking weak. Astorias probably gonna leave, I wouldn't blame her.

She pulled me into a hug and whispered "It's okay you won't lose her" I wrapped my arms around her and cried into her shoulder, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm weak. You deserve better" I sobbed.

She pulled back and looked into my eyes "Draco Malfoy, you are not weak. You're one of the strongest people i know and I don't deserve better. There isn't any better. You have nothing to be sorry about, okay?" She said and pulled me back into the hug as another tear fell down my cheek. "I love you" she whispered.

I smiled into her shoulder. Nobody's ever said that to me before, other than y/n when we were little. Fuck I need to say it back.

"I-I love you Astoria" I said.

We stood there for a bit longer just enjoying the comfort of being held in each others arms.

"Do you want to talk to me about
y/n" she asked quietly.

I hummed into her shoulder and took her hand as she led me to the bed.

"So what happened" she asked her hands still holding mine.

"She well. Her boyfriend, when she was 13, even though they were young it was serious. I remember i used to come home for the holidays and he was all she'd talk about. But when they broke up it broke her." I said trying to keep calm.

"Why did they break up" Astoria asked cautious not to ask to much.

"He- well he was older. 15 to be precise and well he wanted to do stuff and she didn't. So he tried to force her to do some stuff and when she said no he didn't listen so she screamed and I was the only person home so I went upstairs and walked in to see him on top of her but I was only t-thirteen" I stuttered at the end, remembering the day, "I used a spell to get him off of her and then he never came back."

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