What Was Lost/What Was Found

Start from the beginning

"Father, mother, I'm back," Guang whispered.

Fallen in a deep slumber within the embrace of mother earth, they did not reply.

Silently, Guang set down a bouquet of pink carnations by each of their graves. To their love of raising him and providing him such a privileged environment to grow up in, his flowers represented his eternal gratefulness.

Jin did the same, although he gifted red poppies instead. The flowers' profound red symbolises how their parents' memories will live on, even if they have departed to another life.

A moment of silence passed. With their hands clasped and eyes closed, they prayed their parents a peaceful rest.


Something cool landed on Guang's cheek. Lifting his hand to brush it off, he found that it was a drop of water. Jin had been staring at him, but when discovered, he promptly looked the other way.

"You can cry as much as you wish," Jin said monotonically.

Embarrassed, Guang spluttered, trying to form the right words. "I- I wasn't- I wasn't crying, OK?"

"It's normal to cry," Jin stated, clearly unconvinced.

Without warning, as if the floodgates were opened, a heavy rain came pouring down. Guang shouted in surprise. He wasn't hallucinating at all when a drop of water landed on his face!

Shielding their heads with their hands and fighting against the harsh wind and rain, it almost felt like a battlefield. The two siblings ran back to the church, where a sister was calling for them at the door, beckoning them in.

The moment they were in the church, she shut the door behind them, muffling out the howling winds and roaring thunder. Candles lining the walls flickered in the brief gust of wind. For a moment, Guang thought there were others besides them in the church, seated in the church benches, but when the candlelight settled in the still air, it was clear that there was no one but the illusion of dancing shadows.

Moving a strand of wet hair out of his face, Guang groaned, "That really came out of nowhere! Jin, are you alright?"

Jin's hair was plastered to his face, making him appear like an angry blueberry with the way his eyebrows were furrowed. Guang couldn't help but bark out in laughter at the ridiculous sight. In the large and spacious hall, his laughter echoed and was magnified tenfold.

Jin harrumphed, turning away and crossing his arms.

"Um...you can use these to dry yourselves up, sirs."

The sister had come over, shyly presenting to both him and Jin respectively. White and fluffy. What a godsend! Graciously, Guang accepted it.

"Thank you, sister!"

Meanwhile, Jin mumbled lowly, "Thank you."

With the towel provided, Guang wiped his drenched body. He made quick work with his hair by simply changing them to flames for a few seconds. When he changed them back, they were nice and dry. Guang caught Jin eye rolling at his unnecessarily flamboyant show, to which Guang replied by sticking out his tongue at him. Seeing Jin twitch brought a satisfied smirk to Guang's face.

The sister from earlier came back, bringing two steaming mugs with her. That alluringly sweet smell...hot chocolate!

"If you guys are done, you can hand me the towels and have some hot chocolate," the sister said abashedly.

Guang's eyes were practically sparkling as he exchanged his towel for a nice warm mug of hot chocolate. "I hadn't had hot chocolate for a long time!"

Taking a sip, he sighed contentedly. "It tastes just like home, as well. I really appreciate the hot chocolate, sis-"

Wait a minute. Brown braided hair and freckles. Gasping, Guang pointed at her. "You're the sister from the other day!"

"Guang, it's rude to point! And be careful with your drink!" Jin berated with a frown.

The sister quickly shook her head. "I don't mind. Really."

Completely ignoring Jin, Guang excitedly waved and pointed at himself. "Do you remember me, sister?"

"Of course I remember you, Mr. Long," she answered eagerly. It's nice to meet you again. "I'm sorry I didn't recognise you before."

"You can just call me Guang." Guang beamed.

Replacing his now dry glasses on his nose, Jin added, "It does get confusing when there are two of us here, so you can address me as Jin."

In prayer, the sister clasped her hands. "In that case, you can call me Rachel. On behalf of the church, I welcome you to the Church of Rayler."

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