I choose to ignore it, and walk back to the table. I don't want to tell them what he said, I don't want anymore drama. I'm sure i have and uncomfortable look on my face, and I think everyone can tell.

"what happened," jade asks with a little bit of worry in her voice

"he just apologized, that's all nothing to worry about" I say brushing it off

"there's more to it." jade replies refusing to let me brush it off

"all he did was apologize, that's it." I say hoping she won't keep prying

"no your lying." jade stands up and grabs my hand pulling me away from the table inside and into the janitors closet

"what really happened, don't lie just tell me." she asks surprisingly calm

"I just don't want to cause drama, it's not a big deal really" I say shaking my head

she steps closer, grabbing my hands. I look up into her cold blue eyes. "will you just tell me, I won't do anything crazy, I just want to know." she still has that same calm tone, one I would never expect jade to have.

"okay fine, but promise me you won't do anything crazy" I say giving in

"just tell me."

"no, promise me."

"okay I promise"

I tell her everything he said basically word for word except the part about jade not wanting me, because that parts probably true. I see the softness in her eyes change to rage. This is the most angry I've seen jade in a long time. she stays silent, then turns to walk out the door. I garb her hand I feel her almost pull away but she doesn't.

"you promised!" I say basically pleading

"you think i'm gonna sit here and do nothing after what he said to you!" she screams

"yes! please jade you promised, I don't want any of the fighting. I just want to leave it alone, please just leave it alone."

she takes a deep breath "okay." she says calmly

she takes my hand and interlocks our fingers, we walk to the table silently. When we get there beck is sitting down.

"no way." jade says quietly yet so angrily "go now."

"no way we're all friends, and i already apologized!" He says getting angry and even more angry when he see us holding hands

"really you apologized, why don't you tell everyone what else you said, like when you called y/n a faggot, or worthless or pathetic! when really you are all of those things, and that's why I broke up with you." jade yells knocking beck down a few pegs

now everyone's staring, "jade" I basically whisper

"now how about you go somewhere else because no one at this table want you here especially not me!" jades still yelling

"are you sure they want you here!" beck screams back "because your allowed to do and say whatever you want to everyone and that's okay? but when I do it it's a real problem! Is that it??"

"jade" I say a little bit louder

"fuck you! seriously go somewhere else!" jade demands getting even louder she's squeezing my hand really tight now

"man, just leave, I don't know what's gotten into you but it's not cool." andre tells beck

"yeah you should leave.." cat adds quietly

"fine i'll go, but jade you know i'm right and nobody will ever love you like i did, nobody will ever be able to put up with your bullshit and eventually you'll have no one." beck says as he walks away

jade tries to go after him, but i gently pull her back to stop her. she gives me this look, it's not a very nice look, then she takes a breath. "let's just sit down" I say trying to calm her down but my self too

we sit down and everyone's quiet, cat says something about her brother which strikes up a conversation. I turn to jade and whisper "i'm not going anywhere, I always have your back.." she gives me a small smile but she goes quiet for the rest of lunch. 

after lunch, jade gets up and doesn't wait for me. I don't follow her because I don't know what else I could say. I'm walking to class, and andre catches up to me.

"hey you okay?" he asks

"yeah i'm all good, just worried about jade" I say back

"worried about what she's gonna do to beck?" he asks

"no..well yeah but also i'm worried about her, I think what beck said might've hurt her feelings" I say looking around making sure jade isn't around

"you think he hurt jade's feelings?" he ask laughing

"I know you guys think jade doesn't have feeling but she does, she just doesn't show it" I chuckle

the bell rings "see ya later," I say to andre

"okay but you know you can talk to me about anything right?" he says back

"yeah I know" I give him a small smile and walk away

it's finally the end of the day, i've been looking for jade. I go to my locker and I see her at hers, so I go over to her.

"hey jade" nervously she doesn't say hi back she just looks at me. "can I come over later," I ask

"sure." she doesn't say anything else she just walks away she's not mad I can tell in her voice it's something else.

"okay, i'm gonna stop at home real quick then i'll be there"


I walk out of the building and drive home. I get home make some food, set my stuff down and leave to head to jades. I get there and open the door.

"oh hi sweetie," jade's mother says startled

"hi, sorry jade said i could just walk in"

"oh no it's fine, I was just leaving, i'm going on a trip" ms. west says walking towards the door

"didn't you just get back from a trip?.." I ask trying not to sound rude, I don't think it worked

"yes i'm going on another." She answers

I see where jade gets her coldness from, she opens the door "well have a good trip" she walks out and doesn't reply

I look around at all the pictures, jade was a smiley baby, but the smile faded when she was about 6 from what i can see in these pictures. I see pictures of her brother, i've never met him, and he's never home i've been at her house a lot. I've never seen him home.

I go upstairs, and knock on jade's door. "what do you want mom!" she yells

"it's me" I say quietly opening the door

"oh hey,"

"your mom left...she didn't say bye" I ask carefully

"well obviously not If I thought it was her."

I chuckle "yeah that was a stupid question"

"you okay?" I ask

she nods, and I got sit next to her. I rest my head on her shoulder.

"do you think what beck said is true" She asks

"no" I say quietly

she scoffs "yeah right"

"no I mean it, your like my best friend, and i'm not going anywhere, and I don't think any of our friends are going anywhere either." I say genuinely

"thanks," she says softly

she takes my hand and holds it, i'm messing with the rings on her fingers.

jade west x female reader Where stories live. Discover now