Epsiode 30 : Better?

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[↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺Cinnamon Girl by Lana Del Rey] 



After the jet landed, I was on the elevator with all of them. 

"Won't you eat, Yena?" Jungkook asks, who got off of the elevator after Yoongi and Taehyung 

"I am not hungry," I say

"You look hungry" he says with his foot stopping the elevator to clpse

"I look tired, I need sleep" I say before closing the elevator door. 

Left was me and Jimin.  As I was about to get down from the elevator with my trolly, Jimin stood behind me

"Move in with me" he says unnecessarily close to my ears, so much so that I could feel the air of his hot breath right on my earlobe. I shiver but try my best to not let it show

"Why?" I asks without a thought

It's better if I move with him, all the more chances to find the files. 

"Because I said so. Now, why don't you be a good girl and leave the argument for some other topic, Hm? " He says, taking the trolly from my hands. As if either way he had made the decision of taking me


I walked into his room with him. It was more like an apartment, an extended condo. 

"That's a bath room, balcony is over there and there is a jacuzzi in the balcony. The closet is here, I'll make some room for your clothes soon" he shows me 

"Okay," I say

"There are some books but you don't seem like a reader" he says taking a book anemd Essays After Eighty from the mini library he has on the corner of the room

"There is a kitchen, I don't like the food at the Diner so I cook sometimes. I have anything you'd need at the pantry but if you need anything there isn't, feel free to ask" he says, plopping onto the bed and opens the book

"That won't be necessary, I don't cook" "I say

" What did you eat before you worked here? "he asked, a bit shock by the looks

" Salads and food from restaurants or just instant meals" I said, setting my luggage on the floor. 

"That's crazy, what did your mother do?" he asked

"Don't be assumptious, I didn't have a mother. I am a goddamn orphan" I say, this time losing my shit over all his questions 

He gets up from the bed, 

"I didn't know" he says, facing me and tries to hug.

"Its fine, the last thing I want is you throwing me a pity party" I exhale, pushing him by his shoulder but he doesn't budge 

"It's not fine, I am not a jerk. I wouldn't have brought it up. I am sorry," he says and that's the problem, that he isn't a jerk and it makes it so hard to keep him away from my heart. Hugs me tighter. This makes mee feel embarrassed for throwing a tantrum just now 

"It's fine, just forget what I said" I say, 

"How about we read this book together" he says

"You know it already, I don't read" I say

"Doesn't matter, I'll read you" he says

For the hundreth time, he carries me up effortlessly on his arms and puts me on the bed. He lays next to me and takes me in his arms again. Nestling me in his arms, he read the book 

"Let's adopt the girl from the orphanage next year" he says, taking my attention 

"How do you know about her?" I ask when I realize he's talking about Francesca

"Jungkook told me," he says but know he's lying. Not by the face, he's way too good to detect just by the face. 

"I know we'll be able to give her a beautiful childhood the way you want" he says, intertwining his fingers into mine

But I know because Jungkook, atleast for me is his rival and would never tell my secrets when he's dying to earn my trust. Plus seems, Jimjn would rather communicate with a wall than Jungkook with straight face. 

Yet I still let it slide. Of course he knows, I juts hope he only knows as much as I leave and not more that, not what I conceal. I know he's checked the footages and records, he might even send his men to follow me. But I'd rather act oblivious because it's better to come of as a fool in front of him than a spy. 

'I  know we'll be able to give a beautiful childhood the way you want' rings in my ears

The way I want? How clueless can you fcking be? I want you dead. I am not a fcking saint, I am not imagining to raise a child with you, a child I met just out of pity and guilt . He's too good for his own fcking good

but I was too lost in the warmth

In the court, you're guilty until proven innocent. In a police interrogation, you're innocent until proven guilty. That raises the question, what is innocence really? A variable depending on the point of view of the viewer or is it a stone written law? 

Jimin is a criminal but right now he seems like an angel, the most pure innocent thing I have seen . I know his hands have been dirtied in the blood for the underworld since he is the current king of the underworld. But I, someone who fought for justice also bloodied my hands. He did it for his benefits, I did for mine so how am I in any way better? 

Too lost in thoughts I don't realise I felt myself drifting out of consciousness. 

Okay, fluff? 

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Okay, fluff? 

But really, who's the bad one here?

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