New Mirror!

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Sam walked in the antique store, letting out a sigh as her footsteps tapped against the floor. Sam looked for a quick thing to buy before going home. It wasn't a different day anyway; Getting bullied, being alone at lunch with her girlfriend, going home - all that jazz.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

As she strolled around, Samantha silently hummed a simple song that has been stuck in her mind. Her day wasn't any different, so might as well give herself a gift for a change.

As Sam looked around, something catched her eye. It was a simple full-length mirror. It had a dark brown, wooden frame, and an unknown, pretty symbol craved and placed on the top center.. It was simple, but yet pretty.

"Hm..." Samantha pondered quietly, staring at the mirror. She looked around to see an employee. Samantha took a quick moment to gather up some courage before waking over to the employee, tapping them on the shoulder.

"Uh- Excuse me?" Sam muttered, getting the attention of the antique store employee. "How much is that mirror over there?" Sam asked, pointing to the simple mirror behind her.

"Hm?" The store employee looked at the mirror before glancing back at Samantha. "Oh, its 100$!" The store employee replied happily.

Sam's eyes widened slightly with suprise.. 100$? Thats it? She thought it would be a bit more than that!

"Oh.." Sam pulled out her wallet, seeing a good 200 or 350$ in her wallet. "I'll buy it." Sam muttered, giving the employee an awkward smile.


Sam let out a heavy, tired sigh as she placed the mirror in a corner, panting heavily. It was pretty lightweight, but it didn't stop her from being tired. She took a long walk back home after all.

She soon removed her jacket, throwing it on her bed.

"*phew* Alright Sam, you finally got a new mirror.." Sam muttered to herself as she wiped some sweat off her forehead.

Sam then looked at the mirror cover. The mirror would probably be normal (spoiler alert; it wasnt), but it did look pretty old, so she would be expecting some dust on it.

Sam placed a hand on the mirror cover, pulling it away from the antique mirror.

Like expected; the mirror was fine. There was some dust on it, but a quick wipe with a cloth would clean it just fine. It actually had a small crack on the left corner, but it was small, so it didn't really bother her all that much. Besides, a new, full-length mirror for 100$? Its practically a steal!

Samantha twirled around infront of her new mirror, a smile forming on her face. "Heheee!" Sam giggled happily, smiling at her familiar reflection.

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