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Sprawled out on his bed, Minho let out soft giggles while watching a compilation of funny and cute cat videos displayed on his phone. It was a perfect way to spend a relaxing weekend alone in the confined space of his room.

His tranquility was abruptly shattered when his door was violently flung open. Startled, Minho jolted on his bed, accidentally tossing his phone as his heart leaped out of his chest.

The door's forceful swing was accompanied by ear-piercing, hysterical screams that caused Minho to cover his ears in an attempt to protect his eardrums.

"AHHHHHHHH!" the voice continued to shriek from the doorway.

"JESUS, RYUJIN, SHUT THE FUCK UP," Minho shouted back, their loud voices overlapping in the room.

The person who barged in screaming was none other than Minho's cousin, Shin Ryujin. They shared a living space in Seoul while attending university, essentially acting as siblings due to their close bond as first cousins.

Ryujin's hair was disheveled, and her mascara was smudged, as if she had just experienced a breakdown—which, by the looks of it, she probably had. Ignoring Minho's plea for quiet, she marched toward him, her mouth still wide open, releasing shrill screams.

As Ryujin approached, her disheveled figure loomed over Minho. She extended something in her hand, signaling for Minho to read it.

Hesitantly, Minho approached the device in Ryujin's hand, reading what was displayed on the screen. As he murmured the words, Ryujin finally ceased her screaming and spoke.

"MY MOM... MY MOM WANTS ME TO GO ON A BLIND DATE," she choked up loudly. Minho raised his head, his brows knitted in concern.

At that, Ryujin harshly set aside her phone, collapsing on Minho's bed. Her hands covered her face as she sobbed, "I'M GOING TO MEET A GUY, MINHO. A GUY!" Tears streamed down her face, a display Minho found a bit overdramatic.

He scoffed in response to Ryujin's state, reclining on his bed, arms behind his head as he observed her trembling form. "You're being dramatic, Ryujin. It's just dinner and conversation, not a big deal," he casually remarked.

Minho found the scene utterly absurd. Ryujin had been on numerous blind dates before, yet this was the first time she was acting this way.

As Minho reached for his phone, still recovering from the shock earlier, he suddenly felt weight on his stomach and his body being violently shaken.

Ryujin, now seated on Minho's stomach, had a tight grip on his shirt, shaking him vigorously as she exclaimed, "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, MIN. THIS TIME, I'M SUPPOSED TO BE MEETING THE SON OF THE CEO OF #LOVESTAY CORP. IT'S ONE OF THE BIGGEST NAMES IN THE FASHION INDUSTRY!" Her intensity made Minho feel dizzy from the shakes.

"MY PARENTS WANT ME TO MARRY HIM, MIN!" Ryujin collapsed onto Minho's chest after her outburst, crying heavily.

Minho rolled his eyes at Ryujin's dramatics, feeling his favorite shirt getting stained with her tears. He placed a hand on Ryujin's hair, attempting to soothe her with unintelligible coos.

"You know, you could just butchered up the date so he's disgusted with you and doesn't want to marry you, right?" Minho suggested, his voice tired from the whole ordeal. He had planned to enjoy a relaxing weekend, watching cat videos, and heading to the café afterward to savor some alone time with his favorite coffee.

"You don't understand, Minnnn," Ryujin whined, muffled against his shirt. She raised her head, locking determined eyes with Minho.

"I don't want to meet him because I'll feel like I'm cheating on my girlfriend. And yes, we're finally dating after crushing on her for so long!" she rambled, repeatedly hitting Minho to vent her frustrations.

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