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Woah, it's been a while. More than a while, really.

So, I know you are all a bit shocked, or maybe surprised. Disappointed, probably.

I know that I have many fics that I've tried to finish, promised over and over again, and never did.

Basically, I really quickly lost interest for Wattpad. The stress of providing for a massive audience was overwhelming, and most days I had no confidence or motivation.

Over the time that I was away, I managed to bring my life back together. I have a genuine friend group, full of support and kindness, I'm doing better in school, and I've figured out a lot of my interests other than writing.

What I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry.

I am fully aware that I was probably a horrible writer. I'm pretty sure I gave a lot of people false hope, and that's just plain cruel.

I will say that I am working on a project at the moment. I'm making sure to make no unnecessary promises at all, since I don't want to give you guys false hope again.

I haven't exactly decided what it's going to be yet. A story? A graphic novel? A video series?

I'm not sure.

I do know that it's an original idea. Not fanfiction. Not other people's characters. All created by me.

I don't know if it'll be months from now, years, possibly even decades. Who knows.

I will promise this, however.

I will only upload the first chapter/episode once I've finished everything. Only once I've finished editing every single last chapter/episode. That way, I can stick to a proper schedule, and provide for you guys with little to no stress. It'll be better overall for my mental health, and I'm hoping it'll be better for y'all too.

That was just a little update on my life, how it's going, and my future in Wattpad and writing.

So, hi. I'm back. Kinda.

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