041; the mainland part 4

Start from the beginning

"It's nothing special, don't worry about it" Rafe assured Myra before he grabbed his wallet out of the inner pocket of his dinner jacket, disappearing into the crowd. He reappeared a minute later, carrying a small black tray with two beers and two shots on it. Rafe placed it down on the sticky table, earning a half hearted smile form Myra. He handed her a shot glass with a clear liquid in it. "Just as foul as the last one" he hummed before he grabbed his own glass, clinking it with hers. They took the shot and Myra could feel it burn on its way down her throat. "Just as foul as the last one" she repeated, washing the vodka down with some beer. She then found Rafe staring again, seemingly getting lost.

"You're doing it again"

Rafe snapped back to reality as she pointed it out, sitting up a little straighter. "Doing what?" he asked, a amused look creeping onto his chiseled face. "That thing... you're looking at me funny, like that, just like that" Myra claimed, leaning over as she pointed her index finger towards Rafe's face, "what are you looking at?"

The amused look lingered on Rafe's face, much like this was a game and he was winning. He was fond of winning, he liked the feeling of it. Myra impatiently awaited his answer, staring at her with her big blue eyes. She looked curious, as if she needed to know so desperately. Rafe kept his lips sealed, enjoying the way Myra now placed the palms of her small hands on the sticky old wooden table as she inches closer to him. "Come on Rafe" she urged as he prolonged his silence, "what are you looking at?"

"Your eyes"

"What?" she asked confused. It wasn't what Myra had expected him to say, she rather thought that she had something on her face, like dried up ice cream. "Yeah, your eyes" Rafe spoke, a low kind of charm and certainty in his voice. "Why are you looking at my eyes?" Myra asked a little confused, remaining still. Rafe leaned in a little closer, biting down onto his bottom lip. A moment of silence lingered in between the two of them, building some kind of tension. "I like looking at them" Rafe then spoke gently, drawing her in further, "you've got like... the bright stars and a deep ocean in them, and I like looking at it"

Myra gazed away, feeling her heart skip a beat. She took a big sip of her beer, hoping that the tall glass and the dim light of the bar would hide the evident blush that was spreading across her cheeks. She didn't know how to handle compliments like this that he would give her, she hadn't exactly ever been the target for things like that before. She didn't know what to say, so she remained quiet. It made Rafe chuckle to himself. Myra turned to watch him as he leaned back, clearly enjoying himself. "Well I'll be damned if I don't make you blush at least once today" he spoke loudly, taking a sip of his big. "Oh shut up" Myra laughed, feeling herself relax a little, "you're driving me crazy here"

"I tend to have that effect on women"

Myra rolled her eyes playfully as she took another sip of her beer, listening to Rafe's joyful chuckle mix with the loud atmosphere of the bar. They sat like that for a while, quietly sipping on their drinks. It was cheap beer, in contrast to where they had just been out for dinner. It brought out the pouge side of Rafe, Myra thought. They didn't need to talk, they just listened to everything that was happening around them, taking it in. Rafe then suddenly spoke, raising his glass to cheers with Myra, "here's to drinking buddies". Myra held her glass firmly, glancing at Rafe. "That's all we are... drinking buddies?" she questioned with raised eyebrows. Rafe stopped to think, a conflicted look upon his face. "No" he changed his mind, "we're something else, I just don't know what to call it". Myra thought for a moment before she lifted her own glass, "some kind of friends?". Rafe nodded once, agreeing. "Some kind of friends" he cheered, clinking his bass with Myra's before they both took a sip each.
However, the truth was that they looked at each other a little too long to be just friends.

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