Chapter 39: Wrath of the Buster Call

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"The prisoners escaped from the sea prism stone handcuffs! Regroup and recapture them!!" A marine officer yelled at the (Y/N), Robin and Franky.

(Y/N) turned around after hearing a faint call. "What was that?"

Franky and Robin looked at (Y/N) confused. "Um? The marines right in front of us screaming their dumbass heads off." Franky blankly explained, light hitting the back of her head.

(Y/N) kept looking out at the ocean. "No... it wasn't them. I heard someone else—"

The sounds on canon fire caused (Y/N) to quickly turn to her right. "AHHH THEY'RE HERE!!"

"The battle ships are firing on us?! It took our the stock-aid!" Marines yelled in worried shock as more canons were fired.

(Y/N)'s eyes traveled over her head, turning her back around to see the canons knock down half of the Tower of Law. "USOPP!"

"Long nose was..." Robin yelled out in fear.

"You think they hit him?!" Franky joined her.

"Hey Franky, (Y/N), Robin." Franky pulled out the small transponder snail that Sanji spoke through. "We're all okay over here and we're heading your way now!"

"Thank goodness." Robin sighed in relief.

Franky put away the transponder snail, getting in a fighting stance before looking over at Robin next to him. "Well we better get things in order. How you feeling right now? Think you're up for a fight?"

"Of course!" Robin smiled brightly making (Y/N) smile as well.

"And you?" Franky looked over at the (h/c) haired woman, still clutching her side.

"Never been better!" (Y/N) said with false confidence and a crooked smile. Robin frowned at the woman, but (Y/N) quicker brushed her off. "I'll be okay, Robin! Now show me that smile and let's get to ass kicking!"

Robin smiled softly at her friend's words as they looked ahead to the marines before them. "What the hell are you waiting for?!" Spandom yelled out at the marines. "Wipe them out before their backup arrives!"

"Yes, sir!!" The marines ran at the three, screaming war cries.

"Notice the ship on the other side of the bridge, right? I'm thinking it's our best chance to get out of this mess." Franky quickly explained aloud.

"Well we're already wanted criminals, we might as well steal a ship!" Robin laughed lightly at the thought.

"Hell yeah!" (Y/N)'s adrenaline kicked in as she took out her sickles, spinning them quickly around her fingers before catching the handles of her blades. "It's been a while since I stole a ship!"

"Wait, you've stolen ships before??" Franky questioned the (h/c) haired woman, but she just laughed in response.

"TAKE THEM DOWN!!!" Spandom yelled out making the marines pointed their rifles at the three.

"De a Seis Fleur should stop you!" Robin called out to the marines before growing arms out of their shoulders. The archeologist used her devil's power to point the marine's rifles in the air, shooting upwards.

"Time for some Strong..." Franky sent his fist out the air, wrapping around a group of marines. "Face SLAP!" The cyborg slapped the marines with his strong iron hand.

(Y/N) ran at the marines, allowing their bullets to faze through her. "SHE'S UNTOUCHABLE?!" The marines in front of her screamed in terror. (Y/N) leaped up into the air before calling upon her right sickle. "Vine Whip: Barbed!" The woman yelled out as her sickle turned into a large thorny vine, latching on to several marines throwing the men in the air above her. "And FLURRY!" The woman commanded air around her to twist like a wind tornado sending the screaming marines flying off the bridge.

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