Chapter 21 - Always And Forever

Start from the beginning

"Harry?" Niall's worried face showed up in front of me and he became blurry. "NURSE!" He shouted as my eye lids grew heavier. I felt my body go limp as a bunch of people ran into the room and everything went black, but a white shining light.

Niall's POV

"We need more nurses!" One of the nurses shouted as they worked on Harry. I stood frozen as I watched my lifeless looking boyfriend get CPR.

"Sir, you need to leave the room". I couldn't move. I felt hands on my shoulders and instantly, my defensive side took over. I turned around and kicked the guys leg, hard. Only to see it was a doctor. I just physically assaulted a doctor. Well fuck. "I know you may be under stress right now but I need you to leave for health and safety reasons". I nodded and walked out of the room. I walked up and down the hallway, sobs escaping me every few seconds- tears running down my face, my hands clenched through my hair.

"Niall? What's goin-" I hugged Anne tightly and sobbed on her shoulder. She hesitantly hugged me back.

"Ha...har....dea...lifele....Anne". I could barely get a word out, but she got what I was saying for sure.

" can'". Louis shook his head, running his hands through his feathery hair, tears dropping down his face. We sat down on the chairs outside Harry's room. I had my elbows rested on my knees, clenching my hair while sobbing along with Anne. Louis just sat there, shocked.

"Family of Harry Styles?" I shot my head up to see a doctor.

"Is he okay? Please tell me he's not gone. He can't be gone, please just tell me he's okay". The doctor looked surprised by my reaction.

"He is stable". I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"What happened?" Anne asked.

"He went into cardiac arrest. His blood circulation stopped due to heart failure. We don't know what caused it".

"When will he wake up?" Louis asked.

"In the next week or so. You can't be sure, it varies". I nodded.

"Can I see him?" The doctor looked at me unsure.

"Are you family?"

"I'm his....his boyfriend". He still looked at me unsure. "Please". I begged.

"Harry is my son. I promise you, Niall is his boyfriend". He sighed.

"Maybe because you're his mother, you should go in and see him first". Anne nodded and walked in. I sat back down and felt a hand rubbing my back.

"He's alright Niall. He's just sleeping. It's okay now". I looked up to Louis.

"Is it though? What if it happens again and then he really dies. I can't live without him Louis. I can't.."

"Niall. He's okay". I sighed and nodded.

"Thank you".

"You really do love him don't you?" I nodded.

"I do".

"I'm sorry for everything Niall". I shrugged.

"It doesn't matter now".

"It does though. I really am sorry".

"No big deal". I just shrugged again.


Over the next few days, I sat by Harry's side, holding his hand in mine. I didn't leave his side unless I needed to go to the bathroom. I haven't showered and I feel disgusting. But I can't leave Harry's side for any longer than a minute really. Anne brings me coffee or tea sometimes. I can't eat anything. I just feel worried sick. My phone started ringing and I hesitantly let go of Harry's hand, closing the door behind me. I answered my phone.

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