meet the characters!

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Name: Y/n Gunther Petrikov/???????? ??????? ?? ??????

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Name: Y/n Gunther Petrikov/???????? ??????? ?? ??????

Age: 8 (mentally)

Nicknames: Gunter, Gunder, Goonter, Goonder, Goonta, Goonda, Gunta, Gunda, Goonts, Goonty, Mommy's little fatty, prince, the prince (all of which his mom gave him) my prince, (only by ??? ???? and Y/n's mom) ice prince, the ice prince, ??? ??????, ????????, ?????????? (Only by ??? ???? and ????) ????????, ???, ????? ??????? And ???? ??????? (Only by ???? And ??????????)

Likes: Magic, his mom, ice, the cold, penguins, outer space and comet's.

Dislikes: Mars, people stopping his and his mom's fun, people who win fights only because of hax and fire.

Personality: adorable, clueless, easily distracted, chaotic, mischievous, loving, protective and intelligent.

Skills: is good at cooking frozen food or treats, is proficient with magic, is able to be so adorable, that at most encounters, his cuteness keeps him from being harmed.

Skills: is good at cooking frozen food or treats, is proficient with magic, is able to be so adorable, that at most encounters, his cuteness keeps him from being harmed

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Name: The Ice Queen/Simone Petrikov.

Age: 2000+

Nicknames: mama, mom, mother and mommy. (All by Y/n)

Li..... Loves: her magic, protecting her son, her son, ice, winter, Y/n and her prince.

Disl....... Hates: anyone that tries to get in the way of her and her son bonding..... Which is usually everyone.

Personality: platonic Yandere, obsessive, aware, ingenious while also being a total amnesiac and very destructive, angry or downright terrifying towards anyone that isn't her son.

Skills: is an author, has at least 10 degrees in at least 10 different types of subjects, has such a proficiency with her ice magic that in some cases she is stronger than the current ice elemental, is very good at strategizing and coming up with evil plans and secretly has the reflexes and sneaky nature of a Shinobi.

Weapons: the crystal splinter ray gun (a non Cannon weapon capable of turning anyone it shoots and lands a hit on, into a busty and very hot lesbian human)

Various normal weapons made of ice

Currently the entire Enchiridion.

The demonic wishing eye (which she casually gives her son as a gift or toy of sorts)


(This character is locked at the time and will be unlocked at a later time.)
(This character is locked at the time and will be unlocked at a later time.)
(This character is locked at the time and will be unlocked at a later time.)
(This character is locked at the time and will be unlocked at a later time.)

End of chapter.

the ice prince's journey through the dimensions. (Gunther OC X Yanderes)Where stories live. Discover now