Chapter 3: family

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It's been around 4 years since I last saw Jess, Liu, and Jane, I've been alone that whole time, other than for my sister. After the night I had a playfight I never saw any of them, it felt painful. I feel betrayed... But I've grown up since then. I got the highest scores in the class finals and graduated top of my class.

My life is going ok and my parents are coming home for a few days soon. They work for some big travel company and need to leave for months or even years at a time, it's a bit lonely but they make up for it by coming home with huge gifts for me and Mia. At the moment I'm in my living room waiting for the old people to come home. soon a loud knock startled me, I sighed and got up, going and looking to see who it was, and lo and behold-

"oh Y/N!" my mother screamed at the top of her lungs while bouncing onto me through a half-open door. I screamed a bit as we fell onto the floor. "oh my baby boy you're so grown up now, You're such a handsome young man just like your father" she dramatically wept. I laughed slightly and got up from under my dramatic mother. I invited her in and she happily went and jumped on the living room sofa.

"So where's dad, Isn't he supposed to be here?" I asked and she nodded, very enthusiastically.

"He is currently at the mall, we forgot to get your presents from China, so he went to get us a huge feast" she explained. "we have your gifts from Japan though, so it's ok. But that's enough about us for now, how're you and Mia, and more importantly, where is that little brat I miss her" she playfully winked at me.

"MOTHER I SWEAR IF YOU CALL ME A BRAT ONE MORE TIME ILL- Oh hey you're home," Mia said after ripping the door off its hinges in anger and only wrapped in a towel. She smiled and hid for a second to get dressed before coming back and hugged Mum. "Where's dad?"

"oh he's just-"

"I'M HOME" we heard him shout. Mine and my sister's faces lit up and we ran to the door. she got there first and literally pounced on him.

"DADDY!" she's a daddy's girl. The definition of 'daddy's little princess'. he hugged her and came to hug me too. I hugged back with a smile and we all got to the living room, put a movie on, and began to talk about life while eating the 10 20" pizzas... That is 200 inches of pizza... all I can say is we were stuffed.

Not long after, Dad left for the car and came back with 3 gifts, 2 big ones and a small one, I got a big one and a small one while my sister got the other large one.

"ok I don't want you two to freak out ok, 'cause I know you'll love it," he said. I let Mia open her first and watched as it was torn open to reveal something I was not expecting.

"a minifridge?" we both said. I was more confused but she was over the moon. She hugged it and the door opened to reveal something else, keys. Why keys?

"Hm? What're these" she said and she crouched down to pick them up. she looked at me and giggled. "Dad I think you left your car keys in the fridge" she began laughing.

"how would I have driven here if you just opened a pre-wrapped gift with my keys in it?" he smirked. She stopped laughing and agreed with him.

"Yeah well if that's the case then whose keys are the- oh my god you didn't," she said with her jaw dropped. he simply nodded and she started to cry from joy. She jumped up onto our dad and squealed. Me and mum were laughing to ourselves, but before I realised, I'd been given my gifts. I gently opened the large one first. my hands gripped the paper wrapping and slowly tugged it off. After a minute it was revealed to be a motorcycle helmet and a (f/c) leather jacket.

"Woah this is so cool," I marveled at it. I opened up the box and stared into the tinted visor. "but- I don't have a motorbike, why would I need this?"

"display piece, and who doesn't want a cool leather jacket" Dad said, it made sense, it looked way cooler than other people's, it was white with (f/c) cracks and (s/f/c) accents. more like a movie prop if anything. I smiled and began to open the other gift, a significantly smaller box. 

"No no, wait for before school to open that, "  my mum said. I went to protest but before I could, my dad began to agree with her.

"awe but why"

"because we said so," they said in unison.

I felt rage boil, those dreaded words. I exploded with anger, "YOU SONOVA-"

sorry we are experiencing technical difficulties, mainly from the rage that we all know when a parent says those dreaded words

"damn, ok then" I mumbled. we spent the rest of the night together. talking and laughing. "So when's the next trip, and can we join this time?" I asked. my voice was filled with hope. the mood dropped, I could see their faces grow sad.

"Y/N... I... we go tomorrow... " Dad said.

"why aren't we packing then, c'mon I wanna get up early!" I announced with excitement and jumped up. But my mum grabbed me by the wrist. 

"Sweetie... you... can't come with us... you still have school and friends..." she said. my heart sank. 

"We can take your sister because she's left school now, but... you need to stay," Dad said, his smile carrying a sympathetic understanding. my sister looked at them with an unsure face, not wanting to leave me alone but also wanting to be with our parents.

"I-I- Y/N, I don't—" she began stuttering, searching for the right words.

"It's okay, Mia. You can go. I'll just make sure I throw parties and get arrested while you're all gone," I joked, attempting to lighten the mood. The truth was, I didn't mind her leaving, but there was a lingering ache at the thought of everyone being gone.

"Listen, Y/N... I do want you to go, but for the moment, you need to focus on school," my mum said gently, embracing me. I felt the sting of tears threatening, but I held them back.

"I'll be fine. I know I need to learn," I reassured them. they all nodded and I excused myself to go up to my room. when I was in I turned on the TV and watched the video of me and Jess playfighting. I watched it on repeat for an hour until I finally drifted to sleep with one thing on my mind.

I'm gonna be all alone...

first published on November the 29th 2023

This is a much shorter chapter, I wanted to get out a small chapter cause I'm gonna be really inconsistent with publishing and I don't wanna post just an announcement, so any announcements will come at the end like this. The reason that I will be inconsistent is cause only have access to a computer 3 days a week (Monday Wednesday and Thursday) and I don't have a phone or PC/laptop at home. so because of this, I'm sorry if it's inconsistent posting. now as for other matters, do you guys want Y/N to be a perv, like Issei in high school DxD, or just a regular person who only occasionally has sexual thoughts? Let me know in the comments. And give me any other ideas and suggestions in the comments too! 

P.S, what do ya think of my new cover, I quite like it

Til Death do us part- waitحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن