Sanctuary Sought - Book 1 - Chapter 11

ابدأ من البداية

I watched as two more members of my team moved through the room, walking along each wall to check for any possible threats, cameras or hidden weapons. As they worked, I walked a few more steps away sideways, keeping an eye on the statue. Still had a creepy feeling about it.

The security duo finished their sweep of the walls and reported back to me, "All clear on the second sweep. Checking floor for traps and will report." I watched as they shuffled through the room, using a collapsible baton to feel around on the floor in front of them in arching sweeps. Seems like they were more paranoid than me. I just wanted them to check the walls for anything I missed.

After a few minutes, they reached back to the door and reported, "Seems all clear." Despite their assessment, I still felt uneasy about the situation.

I sighed, looked at the statue in one of its 5 eyes, and spoke into the radio, "Okay, Security, follow your assigned teams. I'll be a floater if anyone needs help. Keep your eyes and ears open, people, and don't stick your finger anywhere you wouldn't put your privates."


Sarah's Perspective

As the military team leader was doing his checks, I found myself growing increasingly curious and bored. I couldn't resist the urge to sneak a peek over the shoulder of the military guys at the door. The room looked like any other ordinary room. There is nothing special or noteworthy about it, just a room with a statue in the middle. If not for the low gravity and environmental suits, this could be any secured boardroom of someone paranoid about security on Earth. The room had a very utilitarian feel to it, with the exception of the statue. The normality of the room felt strange to me.

As soon as we were given the all-clear by security, Mr. Torres and I exchanged glances and nods, and we strode shoulder-to-shoulder into the room. In my mind, I was reminding myself that this was just a negotiation. A talk, really, like every other one I've had in my career.

However, deep down, I knew this was different. We were no longer the big dogs in the room, and we had to be careful. The comforting, aggressive snarl of the military was silent, scared by the much bigger enemy than it had ever encountered.

I followed Mr. Torres to the middle of the room, taking in my surroundings as I walked. The room was eerily quiet, with only the sound of our boots clunking against the metal floor and hushed conversations breaking the silence. I placed my bag on the table next to the statue's front and looked around, trying to get a better sense of the room.

Mr. Torres struggled to position the diplomatic box on the same table, so I rushed to help him. As we worked together to get the box situated, he turned to me and said, "Thank you, Sarah. I appreciate your help."

"No problem, Mr. Torres. You know I'm always happy to lend a hand," I replied, giving him a smile.

As we finished setting up the box, we both looked around the room again, taking in our surroundings. "There's something strange about this place," I said, breaking the silence.

"I know what you mean," Mr. Torres replied, looking around the room. "It feels too...normal. Given everything that's happened, I expected something more...ominous."

Turning to me with a smile, Mr. Torres nodded thoughtfully and said. "This reminds me of the room we had a negotiation in with a military group. They wanted a peace talk after losing. I volunteered to walk into their base and have talks. Their room was buried who knows how many stories underground." Motioning to the statue, he added, "The only real difference was that the room was smaller, no statue and no environmental suites. Oh, and I wasn't blindfolded on the way in." he chuckled as I looked at him in horror.

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