Chapter Two

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A few classes pass, and before I know it, it's lunchtime. Billy is leaning against the wall of lockers waiting for me. A small but genuine smile spreads across my face as I round the corner and come face-to-face with him. "Hey, Billy." I notice his face instantly brightens when he sees me, the genuine smile he gives me as he meets my eyes matches my smile. He steps away from the lockers and closes the distance between the two of us in an instant.

"Hey, (Y/N), my friends and I usually eat by the fountain in the courtyard if you're good with that?" I nod. "Yeah, that's perfect." A smile lights up my face as he invites me to join him in the fountain plaza. As the two of us make our way down the busy corridors, he glances back at me several times, checking if I'm keeping pace with his long strides. As we make it outside he whispers in my ear who is who. "The blonde is Tatum and the guy in between her and Sidney is Stu. The other guy is Randy."

I nod along as he whispers the information into my ear trying not to blush. As quickly as he went to my side to whisper in my ear he was gone, turned to introduce me to everybody. Tatum, Stu, and Randy all exchange a quick wave toward me. "Hey, (Y/N), these are my friends. Sidney, who you met earlier, Tatum," He gestures over to Tatum. "Stu," Then over to Stu, and so on. "and last but not least, Randy. Everyone, this is (Y/N)." He then gestures to me before sitting next to Sidney. I followed sitting on the other side of him.

I quickly get comfortable in the group as Billy and everyone else chat away. Billy occasionally turns around to let me in on the conversation, which is incredibly sweet and thoughtful. Everyone in the group seems friendly enough, and I'm happy to be included in the group so quickly. The conversations are lighthearted and fun, and at some point I find myself smiling and laughing along with them.

Billy glances over at me as I start a conversation with Tatum. Noticing, Sidney occasionally diverts Billy's attention back to her as I notice she is getting slightly annoyed with how much focus he's giving me.

Even with Sidney getting annoyed, the smiles and laughs in the group go on for a while. I'm getting along with everyone, especially Billy, whose wit and charm keep me interested in the multiple discussions the group gets sidetracked on. Eventually, however, I glance over at Sidney and notice her expression once more.

She's giving me a somewhat annoyed look as she nudges Billy, who has now turned his attention back to her. I get the feeling that Sidney doesn't quite like the attention Billy's been giving you, which is fair considering she is his girlfriend. "What?" Billy turns toward Sidney with a puzzled look on his face. "What's up?"

Sidney doesn't actually answer Billy's question, instead giving him a pointed look that says 'stop paying so much attention to her with it, indicating to me I assume. She then gestures in her own direction slightly, trying to get him to pay attention to her and not me. Billy makes a face but turns toward Sidney again.

Looking at Sidney he sighs before turning back towards me. "So how are you doing?" Sidney huffs as I laugh nervously, glancing back over at Sidney before turning my attention back to Billy. "I'm doing alright, I guess." Another glance is given to Sidney, which seems to annoy her a little more, before I smile warmly at Billy wanting to reassure him that I'm okay. "It's nice getting to know everyone here."

That's good," Billy replies, his tone still friendly, though perhaps now sounding slightly more cautious as he's noticed my glances at Sidney. His eyes follow my own, and he doesn't quite manage to hide his distaste at the sight of Sidney glaring. Still, he tries to keep the mood positive. "I hope it's not too overwhelming for you."

I let out another anxious giggle as I glanced over at Sidney again, noticing the annoyance in her eyes. I turned back to Billy, though, quickly regaining my composure. "No, not overwhelming. Everyone's been nice so far." Sidney huffs again but I ignore it this time. "And it's definitely helping me get into the rhythm of classes, you know? It's much easier when I can actually have friends at school."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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