...Chapter One...

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I awoke early in the morning to the sound of the infamous mockingjays. All of them now singing random tunes gathered from other households nearby. At first I found them peaceful and entertaining however, the longer I've lived here the more I find them intolerable. I tossed and turned for a while before deciding I couldn't  listen to them any longer. Throwing my legs to the side of my rickety bed, I stretch each of my limbs simultaneously. My "home" was small and humble, well at least enough to stop people from even trying to rob me. People usually think this place is abandoned at first glance. I must say in their defense it technically is, or was. I found this place with the covey and they helped me fix it up. I eventually silence my thoughts and stand up looking around at the sleeping bags scattered around my room. Sometimes we have sleepovers here and talk about our upcoming shows or songs. Walking over to a semi-broken mirror I take out an old makeshift comb and begin to brush my hair. I tear up a bit at the amount of knots I've accumulated. Each brush is more painful than the last it seems until I decide my hair has been combed enough. I throw my hair into a quick manageable style before putting on an old dress of my mother's. Last but not least I put on my boots and started to head out the door. As I walk through District Twelve my eyes spot someone who causes me to unconsciously smile. Slowly and quietly I walk up to the figure, "Hello." Making the now fully alert individual flinch. "Will you ever not scare me when we meet? I'm not made of sugar but may as well be these days!" I smiled at the girl and giggled at her lack of amusement. "You know I can't resist Lucy Gray!" She now rolled her eyes at me while taking my arm in hers. Together we walked down a staircase into the real District Twelve, to us in the covey at least. Here it was dark and enchanting almost if you get over the strong scent of ominous liquor. Quickly we meet up with the rest of the covey on stage and give each other our greetings and pleasantries. I pick up my guitar graciously gifted to me by an elderly man who found his hands no longer able to keep up with the strings. I never learned why he chose to give his guitar to the covey but I found it better not to ask.
I stand back behind Lucy Gray with the rest of our group readying our fingers to fly free onto our instruments. She warms up the crowd as usual and we all started to twitch with excitement. While she continues to speak I spot a large clump of peacekeepers enter the room and wonder if they were allowed here. Choosing to ignore that thought I begin to play with the rest of the band, swaying while listening to Lucy Gray's voice. District Twelve songs were always strange and rarely had meaning but were always catchy to an alarming degree. While everyone danced  I noticed Lucy Gray soften her voice slightly, almost like she was distracted? Well go figure, she was! I followed the direction of her gaze to see a peacekeeper. He had bright blue eyes and seemingly white hair shaved down almost to his scalp. Taking a second glance I find his hair more golden but barely enough to call it platinum blonde and not colorless. He seemed to have a charisma and pride most district folk didn't have. This left me confused as to where he found this attitude while living in our slums. At the end of the day I ended up just calling it a case of crazy. Lucy Gray usually liked them from the looney bin anyway, today more than most! Nearing the end of our number we had a special visitor, Billy Taupe. He was holding the hand of the mayors daughter which seemed to be a common theme for him now. We all shared a glanced at one another before giving him a glare of disapproval. Lucy Gray gave him a particularly cold gaze as she tried to settle down the crowd, which was not working. Someone had accidentally hit the mayors daughter causing the peacekeepers to attack and started a chain reaction. The crazy one  walked right up to Billy Taupe and beat the crap out of him! Which I mean we all wanted to do but we are all not that daring. His friend broke him out of his daze which caused him to look over our group and eventually land his eyes on me. He gave me a curious look before hurrying to exit the establishment. Shocked by the turn of events we all found it best to call it a night before authorities showed up. Walking up the staircase I found someone waiting for me. It was looney bin! "Hello!" He said mildly excited with a smile on his face. I shy away praying he wasn't talking to me, but to my dismay he was. "Excuse me! Please just give me some of your time." Turning back to him I conjure up a smile and plaster it on "Can I help you?" He now seemed pleased by my fake effort to place nice. "I was wondering if you could tell me where I could find Lucy Gray?" I was alarmed by him seeking her out due to his prior destructive nature but decided to swallow my suspicions. "She will be turning in for tonight, but you might find her in the field during the evening tomorrow." He acknowledged my words and smiled before patting me on the back abruptly. "Thank you! I'm Coriolanus by the way." He introduced himself, making me wonder if he expected me to do the same. "I'm Y/N, and don't mention it." I said now ending the conversation turning away. "Hopefully I don't see more of that guy." To my dismay I would be seeing more of that guy, a lot more.

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