Aries (f) X Taurus (m)

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[This oneshot was requested by Weirdsecrets <3]

Taurus was resting on the couch, watching something on his phone. Today, he wanted to rest, chill, anything. He was always the cook in the house of 12, he had a natural flare towards it. He could make anything out of nothing, it was just what he could do...

... however, he got bored. He got bored of tasting such exquisite meals, meals that were performed to the T. They were always fantastic, always. He wanted something boring, plain, horrible. Something to make his taste buds scream. Great. Now he was in a mood.

"Hey, why ya so grumpy for?"

He turned to the voice. It was Aries. She looked at him with an almost smug grin. She cocked her head to the side, yellow eyes staring right into his soul. Taurus grumbles more.

"I'm hungry."

Aries blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice. She laughed heartedly.

"And? Go make that whatever it is you make. You know, the fancy stuff?"

Taurus only gawked at her. He furrowed his brows.

"That's boring."

He folded his arms across his chest in a huff. He heard a loud sigh come from Aries. She stormed off to god knows where.

It had been a short while since he had heard from Aries, he didn't get what had gotten her into such a mood. It was until he heard a clank from within the kitchen that he finally moved off of the couch. He stuck his head into the kitchen, peeking from behind the door. There stood Aries, huffing about, grumbling about something. She suddenly turned to Taurus, forcing him into a stool at the island in the middle. She sauntered over, placing a bowl of cereal at his spot. He looked at her dumbfounded.


Aries looked at him like he had just offended her entire family.

"Eat it."

Taurus just stared for a few more seconds before slowly scooping a mouthful of the golden hoops. He hesitantly ate it, crunching on them nervously. Usually, he ate full English breakfasts', not cereal. He ate a few more mouthfuls. This was...

... amazing! He had never tasted something this good that took little to no effort! He began wolfing it down, forgetting everything around him as his sole focus was the food in front of him.

Aries chuckled softly, watching as he ate and ate and ate. She walked over quietly before planting a soft kiss on his cheek, which was very unlike her. She then laughed and disappeared before he could say a thing. Taurus, on the other hand, was frozen, he didn't know how to react. His cheeks flushed red and his heart fluttered. Aries.... Aries kissed him...

He'd have to repay that kiss back.

[455 words!! Yay. I hope you enjoyed this short oneshot. :)
I'm not very good at writing but I did try my best.]

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