Chapter 11

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When Jay had arrived at Erin's apartment, he shoved his concern aside and focused on one simple thing: cashing in his raincheck. And he was damn glad that he did. The momentary relief from all the stress that had been building up was just what he needed to clear his head and refocus.

Erin snuggled in close to Jay's side, her head affectionately resting on his bare chest after they'd both caught their breath. "So you going to tell me what's going on?"

Jay chuckled. "What do you mean?"

She propped herself up to look at his face. "Jay, I'm your partner, remember? I think I know you better than you know yourself. So spill it."

He felt his cheeks flush momentarily. Was he really that bad at hiding when something was bothering him? Or did she truly just know him all too well? Either way, it was a level of vulnerability that he wasn't sure about. Rather than give in so easily, Jay ran his thumb along her cheek before pulling her in for a passionate kiss. However, Erin immediately put her hand over his mouth to stop him. "I don't think so, mister. Answer me."

He dropped his hand from her face as she did the same. "So you're rejecting me now?"

"So you're ignoring my questions now?" she quipped with a smirk,

Jay sighed, knowing there was no way around it. He squeezed his arm around her again, subtly asking her to cuddle back up on his chest, to which she gladly obliged. "It's Alex. I feel like every stone I turn up, there's a secret waiting for me. The day she uh...came home unexpectedly...she was actually skipping school. She's apparently used to staying out till god knows what hour, doing god knows what. And we both know there's nothing good in this city at night. And to top it all off, she lied about joining the debate team."

Erin traced lined along Jay's chest while she listened intently. "You're certain she lied about the debate team?" It seemed like something so random yet so specific to lie about - it didn't make sense.

"Yeah, positive. I talked to the coach after the meet tonight and he confirmed it." He sighed. "But she wasn't smart enough to do her homework. She told me she was in Highland Park when the meet was actually at her own school."

"Ah rookie mistake," Erin replied with a laugh. She'd learned how to lie well growing up, and she knew the first step was to do your homework.

"The scary part is I don't think she's a rookie at lying. She had me convinced."

Erin sat up, her back resting against the headboard as she slipped on one of Jay's old t-shirts. "That's because you're too close to it. She's your little sister - of course you're going to believe her."

That brought back that little voice in Jay's head once again. External confirmation that she was, in fact, a blindspot for him. Jay ran a hand down his face, feeling like a fool that he got played by a teenager.

Noticing his change in demeanor, Erin tried to smooth it over. "It's okay, Jay. I mean, hell, how many times have I tried to give my mom the benefit of the doubt, even though you and everyone else saw right through her. somehow always gets a pass. And Alex is no exception for you."

Jay soaked up the words. It didn't heal the disappointment he felt in himself, but he appreciated the validation that he wasn't the only one who had a blindspot for family. "I mean she was always like this little annoying sister - quiet, playful, and loved to do crafty junk. There'd be glitter all over the damn house at any given time. And now it's like a 180. She's sarcastic, closed off, and apparently a liar."

"She's changed - she's grown up. It's hard to change that image of her. I get that. Especially because you're not around her as often as you were back then." Before he could go on another self loathing streak, she immediately added, "And I don't mean that as a bad thing. You both have separate lives and weren't living under the same roof. But now that you are, it's like you're getting to know each other again - at least the older versions of yourselves."

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