Chapter 34: Enel's Lobby

Start from the beginning

Sanji sat down on the pew in front of her, the same one she landed on. "Thanks. Could have let us have some fun first though." The cook calmly spoke to Polly.

"You idiot!" Polly scolded the crew. "Don't forget the reason you came here. Save your energy for the real fight."

"THEN DON'T SCARE US TO DEATH WITH A GIANT KING BULL, YOU IDIOT!!" (Y/N) angrily screamed at the man.

"HOW ELSE WAS I SUPPOSED TO GET YOU GUYS OUT IF THERE?!" Polly angrily screamed back, but blushed when he saw who he was talking too. "And cover your stomach up! You're showing too much leg!!"

"Oh I outta—" (Y/N)'s mouth was covered up by the swordsman next to her causing her to screams to be muffled.

"You can run away if you like, but our dogs aren't gonna lose to a couple of over grown fish!!" The Watch Dogs began running along side of the king yagara.

(Y/N) pulled Zoro's hand off her mouth before running up to the side of the yagara. "Uh oh! They're gonna jump off on the bull!" Chopper yelled out as (Y/N) and Nami looked over the edge to see the soldiers below. "Can't we go any faster?!"

(Y/N) turned to see the three Galley Law foremen stand at the rear of the yagara. "When you see 'em, I want you pass on a message for me." Polly spoke about the CP-9 members. "You're all fired."

"You got it." Zoro said with a smirk.

(Y/N) grinned brightly as the shipwrights jumped off the yagara, fending off against the Watch Dogs. "GOOD LUCK GALLEY LAW! WE'RE GONNA LEAVE THIS TO YOU!" Zambai yelled out to the three men.

(Y/N) was watching the chaos around her when she felt a chill crawl down her spine. The woman heard a familiar voice in the back of her head. 'YOU PROMISED YOU'LL LET THE STRAW HATS EXCAPE SAFELY'

The woman tried to rub goosebumps off her arm and shake off the sudden fear she felt. "(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Chopper looked up to the woman with a worry expression on his face.

"I don't know.. I could have swore I just heard Robin's voice." (Y/N) grabbed the side of her head, crouching down in pain.

'Come now, what are you getting so worked up about? Lucci, remind her of the exact conditions that were offered.' (Y/N) looked around her to see if she could see who was speaking, but it was clear she was in a war zone.

Her crew looked towards their crew mate, worried washed over their face. "What is happening?!" (Y/N) cried out when she heard Robin's voice again.

'Is this some kind of joke?! You're gonna break the heart of our agreement over ridiculous technicalities?!' (Y/N)'s widely open her eyes when she heard Franky groaning in pain followed by Robin's screaming.

"(Y/N)?! What's wrong?? Are you feeling okay?" Nami and Chopper looked over the woman.

"They're hurting. I can hear them." (Y/N)'a face was filled with worry when she looked at her crew mates. Before her crew could questioned her, (Y/N) sonic boomed off in the direction she heard them in.

(Y/N) jumped from building to building, although she stumbled and crashed into one of them.


'What's all that commotions about?!'

'Attack men!!'

'Damn, stupid pirates, you shouldn't be so cocky!'

"What is happening to me?! Why can I hear so many voices running though my head??" (Y/N) shook her head as she stood back up. "I have to get to Robin and Franky, they are in danger!" The woman got back up and continued hopping from building to building, trying to shake the voices out of her head.

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