Chapter 01

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3rd person pov

We see a young boy by the name of Itsuki Hibiki walking down the street.

??: Itsuki!!

He looks behind him and see his childhood friend, Rin Azuma.

He looks behind him and see his childhood friend, Rin Azuma

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Rin: Why didn't you wait for me?

Itsuki: You were taking too long, and I got a message from my captain saying that there was no practice.

Rin:*sighs* You really got to learn some patience Itsuki.

While they were walking and talking, they suddenly noticed a strange blue light them.

Itsuki/Rin: Huh?!

As they move in direction the strange blue light followed them, more specifically Itsuki.

Itsuki: Um Rin?

He then disappears in front of Rin.

Rin: Itsuki

Just then the same thing happened to Rin.


??: Rin, wake up.

Rin slowly opens her eyes and sees Itsuki in front of him.

Rin: Itsuki?

Itsuki: Ah good, you're awake.

He holds up his hand to help Rin get up from the ground.

Rin: Soooo, got any idea where we are, cause this doesn't feel like Japan.

Itsuki: Rin watch out!

He pushes Rin out the way and lands on top of her.

Rin: What was that?!

Itsuki: A horse.

Rin: Huh?

They turn towards the horse.

Rin: Are horse suppose to look like that?

Itsuki: Definitely not.

Rin: Do you think it after us?

Itsuki: I'm not sure.

Itsuki then steps in front her protectively.

Itsuki: I want you to stay back and let me handle this.

Rin: What?! Are you insane?! You be killed!

Itsuki: I won't let you die, not when I can protect you!

Rin gritted her teeth in frustration.

Rin: Alright fine, but you better not die understand.

Itsuki*smirks* Dont worry I don't plan on dying.

Itsuki then runs towards the horse, but then run side to the side trying to keeps it attention on him.

Itsuki: Focus on me, you big oaf!!

The horse keeps it attention on him, but then Itsuki stops in tracks and cups his hand together.

Itsuki: Take this! Final Kamehameha!

Once the attacked died down, Itsuki walked away, but while he walks away, Rin stared on in shock

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Once the attacked died down, Itsuki walked away, but while he walks away, Rin stared on in shock.

Rin: Woah.

?? 01: Woah, impressive kid.

Itsuki notice someone in front of him

Itsuki: Uh thank you?

Rin: Itsuki!

Itsuki looks to his left and see Rin running towards him. He then get tackle to the ground by her.

Itsuki: Okay, ow. Man Rin, could you be more careful please.


Itsuki: !!

He then hears sobbing coming from Rin, which made him worry.

Itsuki: Rin, are you okay? What's the matter?

Rin:*sobbing* I-I was scared...that you were going to die.

Itsuki frowns, hearing how scared she sound. He then pat her head as she continues to cry on his chest.

Rin:*sobbing*I'm glad your alright, but please don't scare me like that again.

Itsuki: I won't. Anyway what was that thing?

?? 01: That is an obsidian horse and they are quite tough to take down. They have obsidian horns growing in the middle of their forehead, and are known as the strongest monsters in this area. Though I'm surprised you were able to take it down. Have you fought them before.

Itsuki: Afraid not, this was my first time fighting something like that.

??: Ah I see.

?? 03: However their meat is worth a lot of money... I'm gonna grill it.

Itsuki:*thoughts* I wonder if my other abilities still work?

?? 01: Careful, you don't wanna over cook it.

The girl mutters something, and a spell circle appears and a fire ball shoots it of the circle.

Rin then gets off Itsuki.

Itsuki:*thoughts* It seems we aren't in Japan anymore. We've been transported to another world.

Itsuki: All we can do for now is survive and find a way back home.

To be continued...

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