Chapter 2

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Riley's P.O.V

As soon as the sirens stopped absolute chaos occurred. everyone was either running out of the room or frantically searching for weapons. Everyone but me that is. I was devising a plan. and I knew exactly where to start.

I walked towards two girls who seemed just as lost as I was. At least one of them did. The other one looked determined. She had medium length blonde hair, light blue eyes, and tan skin. The lost one also had pale skin and instead of blonde locks she sported long black hair and brilliant green eyes. It helped they were some of the only ones not acting hectic.

"Hi," I said when I got to them, "the name on my wrist says Riley, but whether that's my real name I don't know. What does your wrist say?"

The black haired one opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by blondie.

"My name's Casey." she announced with a smile

"My wrist says Kalea." said the other one added in a much quieter tone

"Well Kalea and Casey, I have a preposition for you," I started "I want to team up with you two to get through The Madhouse. I just feel chances of survival are better in a group."

"You heard The Creator though, only one person can make it out of Madhouse alive." Kalea pointed out.

"Exactly," I said "So what if we stick together and protect each other until we're the only ones left. Then it's every girl for herself."

"Well... why not?" Kalea agreed smiling. "It's not like I can do any better on my own."

Casey seemed hesitant, "I guess a group is better. But you both have to promise that we won't slow each other down. I don't intend on losing."

"Well, neither do we." I assured her

"Okay then, I'm in." Casey said nodding

"Excuse me"

We all turned to see a girl with skin paler than Kalea's, long brown hair and amber eyes.

"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation, and I just wanted to say I think it's a great idea. I want to join your group." she said

"Sure," I said "but you're the last one. We can't have too many people.

"Thanks" she sighed in relief. "I'm Aspen by the way."

"Riley, and this is Kalea and Casey." I said gesturing towards them

"Okay, well I think we can all agree that first order of business is finding weapons." Casey said

"She's right, let's search in this room first. Split up so we find some faster.

We searched the room from top to bottom. Most of the people had already left. After finding nothing, I decided to venture a little farther than the room. Stepping out into the room, I was surprised. This looked nothing like a madhouse. It looked like an 1800's mansion with its long hallways and many doors on each side. It was very dark. Its illuminated only by the candles in the candle holders that hung on the walls.

No way, I decided. I'll come back with the rest of the group. I turned around to go back into the room but the door was gone.

"What the heck?"

I started to frantically looking through doors. All were dull gray rooms just like the one we woke up in. But none of them had the others. Calm down, I told the frantic voice in my head.

I continued to open doors. All the same except for the very last door in the corridor. I looked in, there were so many books. All on victorian style wood book shelves. Could this be any more creepy? Brushing a cobweb out of my way I turned away to leave but stopped. There could be weapons here which was, after all, the initial reason I'm in this mess to begin with.

I started looking behind bookcases and between books. Suddenly, there was quick skittering sound. Turning around, I would love to say I didn't scream.

But then I would be lying.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Yes, I know the whole teaming up thing sounds like the Hunger Games but it was one of my original plans for this book and I was really excited to do it so I just couldn't get rid of it.

Don't you judge me

Believe it or not my original name for Riley was Rae but I think you can guess why I changed that ;-)

Also, the picture above is Riley. Aka Jessica Lu, aka Ming from Awkward :-D

Note: I'm only writing this book from the perspectives of only Riley and Kalea. I feel like doing them all would get too confusing and it doesn't work with my plans. But I'll have Aspen and Casey's pictures up in the next chapter.


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