Felix nodded sheepishly. "Yeah, you're right, Hyung. I just get carried away sometimes."

Throughout the day, Chan kept a watchful eye on Felix, ensuring he didn't overexert himself. Despite his initial reluctance the night before, Chan appreciated how Felix always pushed himself for improvement. As they rehearsed, Felix's determination shone through, leaving Chan proud of his younger teammate's dedication.

The next day, during their intense practice session earlier that day, tensions rose when Minho, frustrated with Felix's repeated errors in a particular part of their choreography, couldn't contain his annoyance.

"Felix, you keep missing that step! Again, and again! Can't you get it right?" Minho's voice echoed in the practice room, filled with frustration.

Felix, feeling disheartened, kept his gaze lowered. "Sorry, I'll try harder," he mumbled, attempting to follow the steps again, but the mistake persisted.

Seeing Felix struggle, Chan intervened. "Felix, take a short break. Clear your mind for a bit," he suggested gently.

Felix nodded and stepped aside, trying to collect himself. He took a few moments to breathe deeply, calming his nerves. Chan offered some encouraging words before Felix rejoined the group, determined to give it another shot.

When Felix returned, he jumped back into practice, his focus renewed. With each attempt, he steadily improved, the earlier mistake becoming less frequent. Chan kept an encouraging eye on him, offering guidance whenever Felix needed it without pressuring him.

As they rehearsed, Felix regained his confidence, and his movements became more precise. Minho noticed the improvement but also observed the determination in Felix's eyes.


After practice, as they headed to rest, Felix approached Chan. "Thanks for understanding, Hyung. I needed that moment to clear my head."

Chan smiled warmly. "No problem, Felix. We all have those moments. What matters is how you bounce back from them."

Felix nodded, feeling grateful for the support and ready to face the challenges ahead with a newfound determination.

After the intense practice session, the rest of the group decided to head for dinner, eager to recharge. However, 3RACHA - consisting of Han, Chan, and Changbin - stayed behind, huddled over a laptop, analyzing and fine-tuning a new song they had been working on.

Felix, though, stayed in the practice room. He kept practicing his dance moves, trying to get better and better. Even though he was tired, he didn't give up. He wanted to improve, no matter what.

Inside the studio, 3RACHA engaged in passionate discussions, brainstorming melodies and lyrics, occasionally pausing to listen to a part of their composition. They were immersed in their creative process, determined to create something exceptional.

While the rest of the building got quieter, these guys kept going. 3RACHA was deep into creating music, and Felix was determined to perfect his dancing. Each group had their ow.n thing going on, all part of their journey to get better at what they do.

Han finished working on music with 3RACHA and went for a break. Walking past the practice rooms, he heard soft music coming from one. Curious, he peeked in and saw Felix practicing, totally focused.

Felix was dancing to the music, trying hard to get better. Even though it was late and others were resting, he was still working.

Han admired Felix's determination and stayed to watch quietly. Seeing how much effort Felix put in made Han feel inspired by his teammate's hard work but also worried for his health.

"Lixie?" Han whispered, surprising the dancing boy.

Felix stopped and turned around. "Oh, Hannie! You're still here?"

"Yeah, Channie and Binnie hyung are in the studio too," Han replied.

"What were you dancing to? Can I see?" Han asked, curious about Felix's dance.

Felix smiled shyly. "Just practicing for our next performance. Sure, I can show you." He started dancing again, showing his routine.

"Wow, Felix! That's amazing! Your dance is so cool!" Han exclaimed, impressed by Felix's moves.

"Thanks, Hannie! Your support means a lot," Felix grinned happily.

Excited, they chatted a bit more, and Han promised to help for the show. They headed back to join the others, feeling pumped up to make the performance awesome together.

Chan was eager after Han's praise for Felix's dance. "Show us, Felix!" he exclaimed.

Felix, feeling a bit shy, played the music and began dancing. Chan and Changbin watched closely, impressed by Felix's moves.

"Wow, Felix, that's amazing!" Changbin clapped in admiration.

"Your hard work really shines through, Felix. It's going to make our show incredible!" Chan praised with a smile.

Felix blushed, grateful for their encouragement. "Thank you, guys! I'll keep practicing to make it even better!"

"Guys, it's getting late. Let's head back to the dorm," Chan suggested.

"Yeah, we need rest to work better," Han agreed.

Felix nodded. "I'm feeling a bit tired too. Rest sounds good."

Chan smiled. "Alright, let's call it a night. We'll continue tomorrow with fresh energy."

They packed up and left the studio, chatting as they walked back to the dorm, looking forward to a good night's sleep.

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