Chapter 11 - Boom

Start from the beginning

"Just hold on tight, I'm right behind you," Newt said coming to stand beside me and gripping my shoulder.

I breathed heavily as my heart thumped rapidly in my chest, trying to forget about the meters of space between me and the ground. I took one step forward, thinking of everything I had already done or seen that was ten times scarier than this...

And launched myself out the window.

I don't really know what came out of my mouth. A jumble of swearing and screams but when I was about halfway across, I opened my eyes, feeling the cool wind blowing my blonde hair back of my face. I looked over my shoulder, trying to see Newt following behind me. I caught a glimpse of the window.

Brenda had disappeared. And Thomas and Newt were exchanging a few angry words before Thomas pulled him into a deep, desperate kiss. For a moment they were frozen in time. Just two souls entranced by the way they made each other feel. At least that's what I presumed because I remember the exact same feeling with Gally. After Tom pulled away he disappeared behind the corner as well. Leaving Newt to jump out the window himself.

My stomach knotted,

Where had Brenda and Thomas gone?

As I turned back around, I realized I was almost at the other end. I braced, and as I flew into the other side Minho caught me in his arms.

"What took you so long?" Minho asked while setting me back on my feet.

"I'll tell you later," I murmured into his ear as Newt landed in the building. The others realized no more people were coming down the rope.

"Where's Brenda?" Jorge growled.

"Where Thomas?" Minho said at the same time.

"He said they would be right behind me, Brenda was just grabbing something I think," Newt explained quietly.

Jorge sighed,

"We have to keep moving, can't wait for them, the song is almost over,"

"What?" I hissed.

"We're waiting," Newt murmured deathly serious.

"There are other ways to get where we are going, Brenda is a smart girl, they'll be fine," Jorge urged while starting to head down a corridor. He looked over his shoulder while still walking,

"You'll die waiting. If there is ever a moment to trust me, now is that moment," he shouted.

"Shit," Newt cursed while running after Jorge,

"What? Newt?" Frypan questioned while grabbing his arm. Newt shook his head,

"He's right, we have to go now,"

"But Thomas-" Teresa started,

"I know! You think I want to fucking leave him? But we don't have a choice, now come on!" He barked. I gently tried to grab his hand while murmuring,

"Newt, it's okay-"

Newt snatched his hand away,

"Not now Eleanor!" He snarled while running down the corridor, following Jorge. I took a step back in surprise and stood frozen as the others reluctantly followed behind him. Teresa stayed put with me and she put a hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay El, he's just upset, we have to go" She soothed.

"I know..."

"Come on, he's right, we have to go,"

She grabbed my hand as we jogged a few steps to join the room-




A chorus of explosions erupted somewhere behind us and a tidal wave of force flung me and Teresa metres in front. We both landed in a tangle but immediately turned to see the destruction. The building where we had been just minutes before was crumbling to the ground.

"Thomas!" I screeched while getting to my feet and bolting to the windowsill. No sign of him or Brenda. Just falling metal and orange flames.

"Thomas!" I screamed again, as the others pelted behind me. Hot tears drenched my face and I felt two steady hands around my middle pulling me back.


No, Minho.

"El we have to go-"

"No! I'm not losing-" I screamed trying to rip myself from him.

"There's nothing we can do to help them, Janson is coming!"

As he pulls me back and forces me into a run with the others, I take one last look at the hell of destruction we just left our best friend in. Minho held his hand firmly on my back as we ran and ran through the new building. It melted together as I couldn't comprehend what had just happened.

Did I just lose him? Did I just lose my best friend?

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