School Day

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I stared anxiously at the clock above the SmartBoard. I always ask to go to the bathroom to hopefully make it down the hall to my next class before Peter left his.
My hand shot up. "Ms. Maness, may I go to the restroom?"
She sighs a bit. "Y/N, can you not wait 5 more minutes for the class change?"
"It's an emergency."
"Then go. Take your stuff with you."
I grabbed my bag and left. I walked down the halls and looked at all the closed classroom doors. I hate being afraid, but I'm really tired of pain.
I made it to the bathroom. I heard the flush of a urinal in the men's bathroom.
Peter walked out of the bathroom and to the central sink. I pulled my hair infront of my face, hoping not to be noticed.
"Well well well..." Peter grabbed my hair and jerked me backwards.
"Ow! Peter, stop!"
"Ow! PeTeR, sToP!" He mimicked me. "You're so pathetic." He threw me on the ground. "Is this when you are everyday? Cowering in the bathroom? Imagine."
I looked at him. Tears welled in my eyes.
"Oh my god, are you crying?" He grabbed my arm and pulled me to his face. "Don't you see what a pathetic bitch you are? No wonder your parents hated you."
I didn't know what to say. I just looked at him. Everything felt like it froze.
Why me?
He dropped me. I just laid in the floor.
"See you in Biology." He stepped on me and walked away.
I felt a crack as his thick boots crushed my wrist.
Great. Another broken bone.
I stood up and brushed the dirt off me. I drug myself down the hallway. The bell rang. People filled the halls. Some have concerned looks at my scuffed look, but they never asked me about what happened. No one cares.
I look at the Biology classroom door. Not many people were in there, so I walked inside. I hung my head low as I went to my desk. I sat in the very back to the right. Unfortunately, Peter sat right beside me.
"Look who showed up." His voice growled behind me.
I laid my head down on the table, ignoring his words.
"You know," he pulled my head up, "after that crack I felt underneath my boot, I thought you would've went crying to the nurse."
I turned and stared into Peter's eyes.
His eyes were a very sharp blue. They almost glowed.
My eyes furrowed.
"You got a problem, bitch?"
I swung my fist at him. I caught him dead in the middle of his face. His head flung backwards, and I went into the floor with his hair in my hand. I climbed on top of him and continued swinging.
I couldn't even feel the pain anymore. I hit him with both hands. I kept going and going until I heard my teacher's voice yelling for the SRO. I felt arms start pulling me from Peter. He got about two punches in before he was pulled away.
We sat in the office across from one another. The SRO stood by the door. I watched as Peter wiped blood from his lip and smear it on his pants.
Principal Hall came out of his office. "You two are going to be put into Alternative for 90 days. Maximum supervision."
I nodded.
Peter scoffed. "I don't need supervision. She's the animal that attacked me."
"Mr. Dunbar, I wasn't born yesterday. I may look it, but I know when there's more going on. There's cameras in the halls. I made sure to do a lot of research on this." Principal Hall went on to explain how they knew that Peter was bullying and beating me.
I interrupted. "If you knew that was happening, why didn't you all do anything?"
"Anyways, 90 days of alternative. Now leave. Both of you." Principal Hall pointed at his door.
I walked out the door. Peter followed behind me. I heard his boots clunking close. He stepped on the back of my shoes.
"Do you mind?" I stopped and turned to him.
"Next time, you won't get that many hits in. Best remember to keep your guard up."
"Ha... haha... ha." I turned away from him and went into the bathroom. I pulled out my phone and texted Sarah.
Me: Hey, girlie. Me and Peter have 90 days in Alt.
Sarah: What!? Why?
Me: I got into a fight with him in Biology class.
Sarah: Oh... did you win?
Me: I think so??? I'm not too sure. LOL.
Sarah: Want be to pick you up in the afternoon?
Me: Yeeessss.
Sarah: Gotcha, girl. <3

Y/N and Goth Peter Where stories live. Discover now