8. Competitive campaigning

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"Wow, it's been six minutes, and she's still not here." The group sighed as they looked around the study room, searching for Y/n, but she was nowhere to be found.

"Usually, she's only 5 minutes late. Y/n has never been this late." Atsumu scratches his head as he begins to slightly panic.

"Well, should we begin without her?" Rintaro suggests. The others look at each other, unsure of what to do. "Uhhh, so we should uhm..." Nelly struggles to find the words to explain whatever it is she wants to explain,

"What do we do in these meetings?" Osamu asks cluelessly. "Y/n usually tells us what to do," Nana says.

There's an awkward silence in the room as they contemplate what to do.

"I apologize for how late I am. I've been collecting signatures." Y/n rushes into the study room with a boy holding a box of gum and a writing pad.

The group lets out a deep breath, feeling a wave of relief as they see Y/n enter. "Oh, thank god."

Y/n sits down in her seat. The boy stands next to her even though there's a free seat. "Y/n, who's this guy?" Atsumu points at the boy.

"Oh Yowa? He's my lackey. I figured I needed one since I now see you guys like more my friends." Y/n snaps her fingers at Yowa, commanding him to pass the writing pad around the table.

Osamu looks at the pad, confused. Y/n notices and tells him: "Sign it." the grey-haired boy mindlessly signs the paper without reading what is on it. Rintaro peaks over Osamus's shoulder to see what is on it, curiosity getting the better of him.

When Osamu finishes, he hands the pad to Rintaro, who urgently smacks it out of his hands and reads the context of the paper. "Vote Y/n for president." Rintaro reads, and the rest of the group looks at Y/n with wide eyes.

"You're running for president?!"

"Yes, I am." Y/n nods. "Student government president." She clarifies and Atsumu down, truly thinking 16-year-old Y/n was campaigning to be Japan's next president.

"But you're a first-year! Can you even run?" Atsumu asks. "Of course I can. I have noticed that our school doesn't have a government. So I have decided to change that by running for school president."

Rintaro writes his name on the pad. "When you become president, could you cancel textbooks? I have this idea..."

Y/n looks straight at him and says: "No. Now, pass it around. I need more signatures."


"I need three gums, or I won't sign it, Y/n."

"No, you don't! One is more than enough. You already have at least three packs."

Gerard gasps. "No, I don't!"

"Yes, you do. I see you chewing gum during class like a cow." Y/n moves closer and begins to aggressively point her finger in his face. "Now, give me one reason I should give you more than one."

"I guess I'll take only one." He begrudgingly takes the piece of gum.

"Sign it!!!" Y/n suddenly yells, startling Gerard. He begins to write his signature as fast as he can. When he finished, Y/n takes the pad and begins to analyze Gerard's signature. "Your handwriting is sloppy."

"Oh, give me a break!" Gerard screams in his high-pitched yet raspy voice.

"But thank you. Your signature is greatly appreciated." Y/n runs off to her seat in the front.

She turns around to the desk behind her, placing the pad on Nelly's desk. "Have you gotten all the signatures you need?" Nelly asks.

"I think so. I have around 100. Which is about half of the school's population and much more than I needed." Y/n says as she looks through all the signatures she's gathered in the past two days.

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