Chapter 2

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Hanni looked at Minji taking a step back, " What!? Are you crazy? I can't marry you! I don't love you!"

"So?" Minji shrugged.

" People are supposed to get married for love, not for money!" Hanni exclaimed.

" That's not always the case Hanni," Minji said unaffected.

" Don't you want to get married to someone you love? That should be the mother of your children!" Hanni said.

" I don't have a time for love Hanni, I am 25 years old. I work more than the average person. My life is too busy for love and it always will be," Minji shrugged, " Anyhow love is for idiots. Besides what difference does it make?"

" Are you serious?" Hanni looked at her in disbelief, " I barely even know you! How could I marry someone I barely know!?"

Minji shrugged, " If you marry me then you'd have the rest of your life to get to know me."

" This is insane!"

Minji raised an eyebrow and a small smirk placed upon her lips, " Those are my conditions for the money."

"Minji," Hanni began.

" I'll give you a day or two to think about it," Minji said as she stood up,
" Now if you excuse me, I have another meeting to attend to.....oh and Hanni?"

Hanni's eyes meet Minji's.

" I wouldn't take too long," Minji said, " I hate waiting."

* Time skipped*

Hanni entered her house defeated. She couldn't believe how today had gone, she wasn't expected it. She honestly felt like crying, she didn't come up with the money for her dad's medicine. Her parent's had done so much for her and she couldn't even do this simple thing for them.

She went into the kitchen for a glass of water, she wasn't surprised to see her mother in there trying not to cry too loudly. This had been a thing that was happening ever since she found out Yoongi had cancer.

" Mom," Hanni said.

" Oh you're home Hanhan," Mai said as she turned around, wiping her tears away quickly.

" Where's dad?" Hanni asked.

" Upstairs resting," Mai said, " The doctor gave him a new prescription, a more expensive one.....were you able to talk to Minji?"

Hanni swallowed, " Yes."

" Did she lend you the money?" Mai asked, " Please tell me she gave you the money."

Hanni took a deep breath, " Well she didn't refuse....."

" So she said yes? Will she help us?"

Hanni cleared her throat, " She said she'd give us as much money as we need."

" Really!?" Mai's eyes lit up.

" In turn of two things," Hanni said.

" Well whatever it is we'll give her,"
Mai exclaimed.

" She wants me to marry her mom!" Hanni snapped, " She wants me to marry her and give her a child!"

Mai stood there, her expression unreadable. Hanni expected her to be on her side, to show some of the same rage she felt. She expected Mai to tell her that it was insane and out of question.

" You agreed right?" Mai asked.

" Of course not mom!" Hanni scoffed.

" You should have Hanni!"

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