Part 7

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  "..Mattheo Riddle.." i said quietly. 

   i felt the tears in my eyes threatening to fall. i quickly got up and almost sprinted out of the great hall. i felt my friends eyes on me as i ran but i didnt turn around. i kept running until i reached my dormitory, i sat on my bed and let the tears fall. i remembered everything mattheo did. he was my ex-boyfriend. we dated for a while. i thought he was the greatest. his black hair and gorgeous brown eyes. his tall muscular figure and the way he called me 'princess'. i loved him for the longest time. then everything went south.

 Mattheo tried to get me have sex with him. when i refused he started to get meaner and meaner. he got abusive, both mentally and physically, he hit me alot and told me how i was a horrible person. he called me names and i got scared to talk to people. i became less and less social with others and then stopped hanging with my friends. i never told anyone about what Mattheo did. not even Clara, who is my best friend. 

one day, the day he got expelled, he had gotten tired of me refusing and he tried raping me in the astronomy tower. when i screamed for help he covered my mouth. the experience was horrible and no one came to help and no one found out until i told Dumbledore. as soon as Mattheo was finished he left me in the astronomy tower. i had laid there for hours. crying. when i got ahold of myself , I walked to Dumbledores office. planning to tell him what had happened. when i mistakenly ran into mattheo. mattheo realized what i was doing and told me if i told hed kill me. he then slapped me and that when dumbledore had walked out of his office. dumbledore saw mattheo hit me and had taken him away. I haven't seen him since. i knew he was expelled and no one but me knew the true reason. no one but me knew he actually raped me. he got expelled for hitting me. and now a year and a half later, dumbledore lets him back in. 

  a few hours went by and i knew it was late. but i couldnt sleep and i needed comfort. i needed snape. i got up and made sure my hair wasnt crazy like usual. i mean i got my mothers crazy black curly hair but i wanted it to look decent. i opened my bedroom door and walked silently out into the slytherin common room. it seemed to be around 3 in the morning and i knew everyone would be asleep. i silently prayed severus wasnt. i snuck out of the common room listening intently for footsteps to make sure i wasnt going to be caught. my heart was beating rapidly in my chest. i was scared of being caught by filch or worse, dumbledore. i knew it was against the rules to be out of bed past curfew. especially at this hour.

i made it to snapes classroom and i opened the door softly. it was empty. i saw light from under  the door to his private quarters signaling that he was awake. i didnt know what to do so i knocked gently on the door. i heard him grumble inside. probably asking himself who the hell would be at his door at this hour. i knew my face was still red and puffy from crying for hours but i didnt care.

 i heard his footsteps approach the door. and he opened it. his hair was a mess like he just woke a few minutes ago. i wondered why he was awake at this hour. he looked grumpy at first but when he realized it was me his face softened but he also looked alarmed. "y/n. What's wrong? have you been crying? come inside. come on." he said gently pushing me inside. he guided me to his couch. i sat down my arms wrapped around myself. he sat next to me, waiting for an explanation as to why i was obviously crying. i didnt want to tell him about mattheo just yet. i didnt want to say it out loud. 

"i-im sorry. i know its late and i shouldnt be here. i had a nightmare. and i needed to see you." i say, more tears starting to run down my face. he wiped away my tears with his thumb and pulled me onto his lap. i put my head on his chest and started to cry. he just sat there and held me. playing with my hair gently. not asking questions, not pushing me away and telling me not to cry and that crying is for the weak. he just held me. for about an hour we stayed like that. until i eventually fell asleep in his arms. i felt him pick me up and gently set me down on his bed. i felt him get in the bed next to me and pull me close. 

the next morning snape woke me up early. "hey y/n. darling you have to get out of here before anyone gets to the potions classroom. if anyone sees you come out of my room itll cause some issues and we dont want that." he say softly. i groan and sit up. he hands me a plate of bacon and eggs. i eat them quietly. he sits next to me as i eat, his eyes never leaving my face. i smile and finish my food. 

 i end up being first in his classroom. i sit there thinking about what im going to do and how im going to avoid mattheo. soon i hear the other students file in the classroom. i keep my eyes in front of me. i dont look up until i hear a boys voice. a very familiar voice say "hey this is the last seat. can i sit here?" my heart freezes and i glance up and look into the eyes of the one person i dont want to see. 

Mattheo Riddles in my class. and he wants to sit next to me. i look around and see that there are indeed no other seats avaliable in the entire room. i have no choice but to nod my head yes. he grins and sits next to me.

 "good to see you again y/n" he says in my ear. 

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