chapter 2

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There's something wrong with the newbies. One is losing her mind and pulling at her face while the other is just being quiet and doesn't seem to care that she's stuck here. Maybe she doesn't have anyone in the human world to miss? Or maybe something else. Either way, she's chill, maybe she'll be a good prankster.

Well let's get this stupid adventure over with so I can investigate, not like I care that much though.
"In house adventure to get you warmed up to how things work around here" is all I heard from Caine. At least it's an in house one so I don't have to participate much. "What? No I don't want an in house adventure" zooble is such a party pooper

"Don't worry zooble, I'll make it an unobtrusive adventure that you don't have to participate in. Today's adventure is, GATHER THE GLOINKS"
Not those things again, they're so annoying. "What are they?" That bubble is annoying as well. "I'm glad you asked bubble. They're small-"
"And what do they do, and how do they-" finally that thing gone.
"Gloinks are small mischievous creatures that steal anything and everything they run into" yeah no duh Caine. "Why do these humanoid hashbrowns do this? How do you stop them? That's for you to find out"

Caine is so annoying sometimes. And he's gone, again. "What did any of that mean?" This one is definitely clueless. Pomni I think is her name, don't care though. "Oh, that's just one of Caine's adventures. They're just something fun to do to, y'know, keep us from going insane" "ugh, speak for yourself.
If anyone needs me, then f(wonky censor noise) off. Oh god, oh Jesus, no!" And there goes the party pooper. Oh well. "Oh no, they killed zooble. Anyway you guys want to get something to eat?" I said. I'm just bored, and I want to be able to actually talk to the sane newbie. Rags said something about kaufmo, but I honestly don't care.

Narrator POV

Jax walks over to y/n, well, walks up behind her. Just as he does, the gloinks destroy kingers pillow fortress. "You want to come with us to check on kaufmo?" Asked ragatha, kinger getting up from the ground. "No. Not really" said kinger as he walked over "I think kaufmo's gone insane. Last time I spoke with him he was rambling endlessly about some exit. Kind of like you pomni"


Yada yada. I honestly don't care. I walk up to the sane one and tap her on the shoulder. Geez, she needs to chill. She basically jumped a mile high."chill newbie, it's just me" I said
She looked calm again. Something is up with her, I swear. It's like she doesn't care yet at the same time she does. Along with mood swings.

"So why aren't you freaking out like pomni over here?" I ask her. "Meh, nothing to miss back in the human world anyway" that's... Depressing.
"Not a family member or friend?" Rags asks. She shakes her head"not even a pet?" She shakes her head again. That is actually sad. Oh well though.

"I'd like to ask him about it. If this was real, but it isn't, because this is a dream" pomni said. She still thinks she's in a dream, seems like the opposite of y/n."I'm fine with doing whatever. As long as I get to see funny things happen to people" I said


"I'm fine with doing whatever. As long as I get to see funny things happen to people" jax said. Right after that he gets hit in the face by a gloink. I couldn't help but laugh a little. Ok maybe not a little. Maybe a lot.


Y/n started laughing when I got hit in the face, rude. Why do I feel like this all of a sudden? I don't feel sick or like I'm going to abstract, and it started when she laughed.. What is this feeling? It's probably nothing.

"Ok, I've already had enough of these things. You, me, pomni, and N/n will go check on kaufmo, which leaves crybaby and hoo-haa together to handle the zooble situation"
"Haha, do you think pairing them up together is a good idea?" Asked ragatha. Of course it's a good idea, it's my idea. "Of course I do. They're the two most mentally stable and capable characters to be paired together"

umm, maybe not, but oh well. It's not that bad if hoo-haa is having another mini seizure. "Come on ladies, let's go harass the clown" I start walking off to the sleeping area, N/n following behind, but walking Surprising fast. She quickly caught up, I was thinking about tripping her, but for some reason I decided not to. "So N/n, whatcha doing after the adventure?"
I asked her. I'm just bored, not like I actually care. I do want to see her room though.

"First of all, it's Y/n, not N/n. And second, I'm probably going to see what my room looks like after"
Darn it. I'll have to wait then. "Yeah yeah, whatever shortie" we got to kaufmo's door and rags knocked, no answer. She knocked again and no answer. "Huh. Maybe he's not in his room? I hope he's alright" I'm sure he's fine. "Don't worry doll face, I've got a key to his room" I pull out one of the keys I haven't used in a while, a "k" imprinted on the handle "uh, wai- wha- why? You you you shouldn't have keys to anyone's room" geez, she worries so much.

"Nah, I've got keys everywhere. And you've all been fine" for now that is. I'm excited to see her reaction when she sits on her bed later. "By the way, I may have left something in your room today, so let me know if you find it. You're not afraid of centipedes, are ya?" Heh, it's going to be fun later. "Jax! That's literally my only fear, why would you do this!?" Geez, chill rags. "Whaaaat, it could be a completely unrelated question. You'll never know until it's too late"


When Jax swings kaufmo's door open, we are met with a dark room with strange writing all over the walls, some saying "exit" and some unreadable things on the paintings. That's when we notice what I think was at one point a clown, now a giant black creature with four legs and eyes all over it's body, and it almost met the ceiling. Is it bad that I find this creature cute?

Jax reaches in and grabs what looks like a bowling ball. "Oh, I've been looking for this. Thanks for keeping an eye on it kaufy" he said, somehow storing the bowling ball somewhere. Then he grabbed my arm and bolted, dragging me with and leaving pomni and ragatha to deal with the clown. I'm pretty sure I heard her say something about him being "abstracted" whatever that means. "Jax, what are you doing! We can't leave them to deal with that!" I yelled.
"Calm it N/n, they'll be fine" he said as we got caught up to where gangle and kinger are. They are looking down a deep hole


"Sup... Fellas. " my gosh that was a lot of running. How is N/n not tired? Oh well. "How's kaufmo?" Kinger asked. "He's-" I had to interrupt her"he's doing great, in fact, I don't think I've seen him this happy. He actually wanted me to give you this" I throw the bowling ball at kinger, and he drags down gangle. I grab N/n's hand and we go down

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