The Real American Heroes: Part 4-5 NIKKEs arrive in Las Vegas

Start from the beginning

BLU Soldier: I don't know, Spy. I just don't know.

Peter Griffin: BLU Team, is that you? So, tell me: how's it like being a team of nine mercenaries?

BLU Soldier: It is great, especially when you're banned from living in 2Fort by the Administrator and relocated to Las Vegas' Hotel Suburbia.

Peter Griffin: C'mon, you can't let this Administrator dig under your skin. You got to show her who's the boss and get your life back.

BLU Spy: Sorry, Peter, but you're asking to go on strike against the Administrator which will not happen because we need our jobs. So, thanks for the advise, but no thanks. C'mon, Soldier. Let's go to Wynn Las Vegas and go check out the F1 Golf Course.

BLU Solider: I'm really sorry Peter, but Spy's right. I am not starting a fight that's gonna destroy an entire city like 2Fort.

Peter Griffin: I got to get the Administrator's head straight. I just hope that this'll go better than the time I got into a crash in a race track.

Then we see a stupid Family Guy scene where Peter Griffin is racing and got into the worst pileup in race car history while swearing in pain.

Pit Crew #1: Yo, you alright?

Peter Griffin: Yea-yeah. I'm just gonna rest here till the pain goes away. *screaming like hell*

Meanwhile at the gas station...

Police Officer #1: So, what you're saying is the suspects were cleared by the Ark's Central Government and Squad Counters is protecting them while they all travel to Las Vegas?

Store Tender: Yeah, I was at a meeting and after I came back, I realized that someone destroyed the security room and the cameras and apparently it isn't one of the suspects.

Police Officer #1: Looks like the suspects are cleared by the all-powerful Central Government of the Ark. But the real problem is that sinister forces are at work here. We may need help from a professional inspector.

?: Did someone say they needed an inspector?

*Theme from Inspector Gadget playing*

All of a sudden, Inspector Gadget comes in after the mention of an inspector.

Police Officer #2: Who this?

With the Nikke escort, the flagship was enjoying a good time: Rapi and Anis were explaining how a Pilgrim is a different type of Nikke; Dan and Neon were talking about the many firepowers a Nikke uses on the Raptures; and Yu-Gi-Oh! was surprised by a simple medical mercenary having advanced healing technology. Suddenly, a Police Car was chasing after them, not wanting the Central Government to rehabilitate them.

Police Officer: Everyone in the bus! Pull the damn bus over!

YLW Medic: It's the police! What are we gonna do?! They might arrest us!

Anis: It's alright. You guys are all protected by the Central Government! Under Mr. Andersen's wishes of course!

Police Officer: Pull the bus over or else you're gonna be in a world of pain, boy! I know you can hear me! PULL THE DAMN BUS OVER!

The police Officer then proceeded to try to ram them over, not giving them room for rest.

Anis: Can't this Officer catch us a break?! Don't they realize you guys are protected?!

Commander Yu-Gi-Oh: I'm gonna say he wanted someone to take the blame for the Great San Andreas Earthquake Riot. Driver, give him a warning.

But to the Commander's dismay, the flagship driver gave them too much warning, as he almost accidentally rammed the police car over as well, angering the officer inside.

Team Fortress 2 x Goddess of Victory: NIKKE: Adventures in Las VegasWhere stories live. Discover now