The Real American Heroes: Pt 3-5: Rebirth: The Yandere Doki Doki Alliance

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Monika: Okay, I'm here. But why did you bring me here, JoJoStar?

JoJoStar: Because we need to hack through Info-chan's computers for a while and kidnap both Ayano Aishi and Taro Yamato and check them both with us at the Encore at Wynn's Club Room, which has two beds for two couples each so we can form the Yandere Doki Doki Alliance.

Monika: Which means I get to corrupt Info-chan's computers in order to finally make friends with Ayano! Great plan!

JoJoStar: I'll shrink them and place them in between your breasts. Be ready for it.

As JoJoStar shrunk Ayano Aishi and Taro Yamato into the perfect size for Monika's breast size, Monika corrupted Info-chan's computer systems and caught Info-chan completely off guard, giving the lovely couple a chance to get ready to escape back into the real world.

Monika: Wait! What about Nemesis-chan?

JoJoStar: I had trouble with her before enough to not get anyway near her, so we'll just deal with her another day.

Monika: But, what if all of Ayano's 10 rivals were in league with her, hmm?

JoJoStar, built with confidence, went to the Councilor's Office to grab all the files of Osaka Nijima and the other 9 Rival-chan's to change up their files to make it look like they were in league with Nemesis-chan, then headed back to the real world to check into the Encore at the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas.

Meanwhile back at the Outpost, the suspects were being interrogated by the Ark's Central Government, as to how the San Angeles Destroyers had gotten in Commander Yu-Gi-Oh!'s Squad Counters' Outpost.

Dan: Well, I was seeing SpongeBob beating up two guys when the Biker Gang jumped in and one of them stepped on my shoe! If you want more information on how it all started, ask SpongeBob SquarePants!

Nikke Detective: That concludes the interrogation. You may stay here in case any Raptures are out there. Next! What is your name? First and Last Name?

SpongeBob: SpongeBob SquarePants.

Nikke Detective: Name of Address?

SpongeBob: Rocky St. Bikini Bottom.

Nikke Detective: Where do you work?

SpongeBob: I work at the Krusty Krab. Please tell me why am I here?

Nikke Detective: Easy, SpongeBob. We don't mean to arrest you. We just wanted to know what happened to make you destroy the city?

SpongeBob: Well, most recently, there was a little thing called Project Noedolekcin that turns kids cartoons into eternal nightmares and the people of Bikini Bottom, including my friends, Patrick, Sandy, Squidward, Mr. Krabs, Plankton, Pearl, Ms. Puff, Larry, Gary and I escaped into the human world thanks to a magical dolphin who keeps the meteors from hitting us giving us the ability to breath in the surface, and Mr. Krabs planned to recreate the Krusty Krab in Las Vegas, but the Krabby Patty Secret Formula was somewhere either in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, or San Diego, so Mr. Krabs sent me to search for it in Los Angeles while Sandy went to search for some new Texas Tough underwear in her home state of Texas, Squidward in San Diego, and Patrick in San Francisco while Mr. Krabs builds his business in the Las Vegas Strip.

Nikke Detective: Okay, two questions: How did Sandy Cheeks get some new underwear, and what happened on your search?

SpongeBob: She bought it at a store in Houston, TX, and, to answer your second question, Slimeball MK started to annoy me. Then, he threatened to punch me, and we started brawling across town. How did I end up in this situation?! It's all that Lies Fish's fault!

Nikke Detective: That concludes our interrogation with you. The Central Government is scanning the area above the Outpost for Rapture activity, so far there is none. You can leave after our interrogation with Slimeball, so be a doll and help improve the Outpost's Train Station, Hotel and Police Station until then? I'll even get you the money to build the Krusty Krab and make Krabby Patties.

SpongeBob: Okay, I'll help out! I just got word that Mr. Krabs found the Formula and dropped the charges for the San Angeles Destruction Incident!

As SpongeBob got to work helping Dan and others there at the Train Station, he checked on Mr. Krabs to see how it's going on his end and was pleased to hear that SpongeBob was doing Labor work to get the money to build a Second Krusty Krab.

Back at Las Vegas, BLU Soldier was reliving memories at 2Fort and how the Team's gonna love Ark Vegas Infinite.

BLU Soldier: Well, back to the front.

He got a holocall from Ms. Pauling.

Ms. Pauling: So, how life in Vegas?

BLU Soldier: We're about to find out. Our First Day will be at KFC's Breakfast hours, go to the Las Vegas Strip, get some F1 PGA Golfing done, shop at Fashion Show Mall, and go gambling at Wynn Las Vegas.

Ms. Pauling: Alright. You go to bed and I'll monitor you on the First Day in Las Vegas!

Meanwhile, at 2Fort, the intruder alarm was sounding at both bases and the new RED and BLU Teams are ready to fight each other, only to find both intelligence briefcases had been stolen, and after a war of blame, it was clear that no team had taken credit.

RED Scout: How did we let this happen?!

BLU Sniper #2: Don't worry, RED Scout! The Administrator put a tracking beacon on both of them! Let's get going!

After a while, the now-former suspects were heading into a checkpoint beyond the Outpost, and gathering food for a journey to Las Vegas's Hotel Suburbia. After they got provisions for their journey, they headed on the NIKKE Bus and giving Commander Yu-Gi-Oh! And Squad Counters a chance to build a second Outpost to the surface Suburban Hotel in Sin City. Unfortunately, a police officer saw the former suspects and decided it was unfair for the NIKKE Commander to drop their charges and decided to bitch about it and call for backup. Little did he know was that JoJoStar and Monika went into the checkpoint store to trash the security room to keep Info-chan out of their hair.

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