Fractured Realms

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One day, huge fights broke out between the races of monsters, leading different types of monsters to be banned from certain regions- Plant monsters were no longer allowed to enter Skylite.  Earth monsters were no longer allowed to enter Frozium. Air monsters, no longer allowed to enter Vegidia. Cold monsters no longer allowed inside Aquanine. Water monsters no longer allowed inside Stonyx.

As for the fire monsters, they did not fight at all, and tried to make the other monster races reason with each other. But the others did not listen to the fire monsters and banned them from all regions, forcing them to go into hiding inside of the volcano that resided next to the Stonyx region. And so the harmony of the Continent became unbalanced, and without the harmony, the Continent began to collapse.

Vegidia, Frozium, Skylite, Aquanine and Stonyx all became seperate islands. As for the volcano, it plummeted deep below the surface of the living sea, thus the fire monsters were never seen again since...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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