Chapter 30

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A/N: Slightly shorter chapter today, I'll be back with longer ones soon!

30. Secrets Unraveled

"I have survived.
I am here.
Screwed up, but here."
- Laurie Halse Anderson
....... ....... ....... ....... ........

"How did you know I'm a time traveler?" You asked, narrowing your eyes and trying to sound intimidating.

"Would you believe me if I told you that I'm a time traveler myself?" He grinned maniacally, turning around and picking up soda cans to stuff into a plastic bag.

"You?" Your tone came out disbelieving.

"Yes, me."

"Still doesn't explain how you knew."

"I saw you looking through the veil just now."

"Just now?" You raised your brows, growing more suspicious of him," That happened months ago."

"That's just how time works."

"Huh," you watched as he shuffled away busily, tying up his bag.

"That's a nice bracelet you have there, better keep it safe so that it doesn't get lost."

"What do you mean by that?" You unconsciously moved your hand behind your back to hide the bracelet.

"Here's a little tip," ignoring your question, his hands picked up some extra cans," All time travelers have a special "skill"-- most of the time it's small and useless, but it's still a "power" of some sort."

"And what's yours?"

His movements stopped after your question, making you wonder if you said something wrong.

"I've said too much already. My, my, death does make a person chatty."

"Death? You mean, you know that you're gonna die?... Does that have something to do with your "skill"?"

"Yes, that's exactly it," he cackled," I'm going to get killed."

"By who?" Your fists were clenched as you swallowed dryly.

"Who?" The unkempt man turned around, a dangerous gleam in his eyes," By the brother of the boy you're trying to save now."

"Shinichiro?" You blinked when you realized the place he had been standing in mere seconds ago was empty.

"Can only stay for a short while," his voice echoed through the closed space, making your eyes dart around for the source," Just remember that you were the one who cursed me, and you'll pay for that."

Scanning the entire alleyway, you mulled over his words and lifted your wrist so that the yang bracelet was dangling in front of your eyes.

Shinichiro is going to kill him? Why? And why did he tell me to keep this bracelet safe?

Furrowing your brows, you kept staring at the black trinket until small droplets of rain interrupted your train of thought, hitting you on the shoulders and head. Saying that man seemed to know more than he was letting on was an understatement, the look in his eyes intrigued you, making you want to find out more about him and everything he knew.

The sound of cars honking could be heard from the main road, probably blocked by the gang members you assumed had gathered. Slowly making your way back towards the motorcycle, you hoped it would start so you could go back to the workshop, knowing you'd probably be of no help in case of a fight even if you went back.

Kickstarting the bike, you breathed a sigh of relief when you heard the engine come to life, revving it up before you continued on your way to DND Motors to wait for the others.

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