Half hearted

484 3 20

Warning- yelling, drugs??, Gore, yandre,  maybe some smut?

Cellbit was working when Roier came into his office.

"I told you already Forever! I am not going to do it!" Cellbit says angerly as he turns around and sees Roier.

"Guapito! I'm sorry! I didn't know it was you! Come here mi amor," Cellbit says.

Roier goes over to his husband and gets pulled down onto Cellbits lap.

"You look tired gatino! When's the last time you slept?" Roier says Worried.

" I'm fine Mi amor," Cellbit replays. Cellbit moves his hand down Roiers leg, Causing Roier to flinch. Noticing this Cellbit stops close to Roiers thing. (  I am against swearing but I will put swears in here!)

"Cellbit!" Roier yells.

"Sí guapito? Is something wrong?" Cellbit asks.


"I'm sorry Roier... but you're going to have to tell me what's wrong~" Cellbit says as he slips Roier's pants off.

"Cellbit! Stop!" Roier yells.

"Give me one good reason why I should?~" Cellbit says as he kisses Roier's neck.

"Cell~! STOP!" Roier shouts. Cellbit stops and looks at Roier with an annoyed expression. He then pushes Roier off of his lap, causing Roier to yelp as he falls hard on the ground.

"Have it your way.... I won't be going to bed tonight," Cellbit says as he goes back to work.

"YOU FUCKER!!! YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO PUSH ME!" Roier yells angrily. Cellbit looks at Roier and grabs Roier's wrist and pulls him over to his chest.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me!" Cellbit growls.

"Let me go!" Roier demands . Hearing this Cellbit forces Roier to kneel on the floor. He then grabs Roier's chin and raises it up so that Roier was looking at Cellbit's face. Cellbit then leans down so that his face was in font of the smaller males.

"You're being a bad boy guapito... you better start behaving yourself... or else," Cellbit threatens. This causes Roier to start to shake. 

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue~" Cellbit says as he pushes Roier backwards. Roier then runs out of the room but when he looks back he sees that Cellbit was walking behind him.

"Guapito... I didn't say you could leave," Cellbit says. Then Roier feels someone grab his arm and pull him up against them. Roier instantly started to struggle to get out of the larger males grip.

"Let me go!" Roier shouts. Cellbit then tightens his grip on Roier which earns Cellbit a yelp of pain to come from Roier.

"Don't you ever yell at me AGAIN!" Cellbit yells.

" Gatino... please calm down," Roier says.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Cellbit shouts as his grip on Roier tightens even more causing Roier to cry out in pain.

"Stop! You're hurting me!" Roier cry's out.

"Yell at me one more time I dare you too,"  Cellbit says as he picks up Roier into bridal style and he carries Roier to their room and he throws the smaller male onto the bed and Cellbit takes his shirt off and then goes on top of Roier.

"You've been a really bad boy Guapito~" Cellbit says.

" Let me GO!" Roier shouts as Cellbit starts to take Roier's pants off. Cellbit then kisses Roier's chest causing the smaller male to moan. 

"Shh, it's okay," Cellbit says.

"Cell!~ ahh~ stop~ the kids will hear!" Roier says.

"They're with Philza... so no they won't hear us~" Cellbit says.

"Ahh~" Roier says.

"You like that don't you~?" Cellbit says. Roier then punches Cellbit right in his face. That's when the two look and see Pepito standing in the door way watching the two.

"Pepito!? Sweetheart! How long have you been standing there!?" Roier asks.

"I... I j-ustgothere," Pepito replies.

"Do you want to go to Philza's? So that you'll be with your brothers?" Roier asks.

"Y-e-s," Pepito replies. Pepito gets teleported to Philza and Cellbit turns to Roier and starts to kiss Roier's neck.

"Stop! Just because Pepito's gone doesn't mean you can continue!" Roier yells.

"Oh but it does~" Cellbit says.

" Stop now or you'll be sleeping on the couch tonight!" Roier yells.

That's it for now! I hope you enjoyed it! I will add more when I get ideas!

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