Don't Leave

650 12 5

Summery; Bullfrog is injured and we need to take care of him~

A/N: I had to rewrite half of this as it didn't f##king saved AHHHH

Warnings: HURT, HURT, HURT FROG, lots of blood, injury, wound, throwing up, angst.

Word Count: 4.9k

While you had one hand in your pocket and searched for your keys in a rush, you leaned forward slightly, supporting Bullfrog by his leg to prevent him from falling off your back with your other hand. Even though Bullfrog's arms were wrapped around your neck, something told you that he didn't have the strength to hold himself back on his own. You felt him wince in pain against your back as you struggled to find your keys to unlock your door. Damn hands, I order you to stop shaking immediately! We have an emergency here! We have to help Bullfrog! There was a panicked war inside your head.

You scowled and finally pulled your keys out of your pocket. Trying to see right through your shaking hand and forcing yourself to find the right key for your door. "Come on, come on." You almost dropped the keys in your panic. You quickly grabbed the right key and inserted it into the keyhole, pushing the door open with your side.

Your grip tightened on the injured assassin and you dashed in, not even bothering to close the door, you quickly rushed into the living room and gently laid him down on the couch. He hissed in pain at the sudden change of position.

You gently caressed his cheek with your shaking hand, "How are you holding up?" You asked hesitantly, trying not to look too hard at the blood on his side that covered most of his clothing. He held your hand on his cheek.

He was sweating and his breathing was hasty and rigid. His expression was sour until you questioned him. He quickly changed his expression to something softer and opened his eyes to look at you. He forced a smile and gave a shaky thumbs up, lying through his teeth... or maybe he was just sassing. You couldn't understand anymore due to your panic. He sucked a breath and choked out a weak answer, "Bien. Just peachy."

You cringe at his answer. "R-Right. S-Stupid question. Sorry." You stammered, "Try to relax. I... uh... I definitely shouldn't call help or an ambulance so-- I'LL TRY TO STOP THE BLEEDING! You just lie there and don't move too much." He didn't look like he was in any mood to get up or move anyway. He seemed like he wanted to say something about what you said but you didn't let him, "Please don't waste your breath." He looked offended but without wasting any more time, you left the room and entered the bathroom.

There must be a first aid kit around here! You started searching by opening almost every cabinet, but you couldn't find it. Instead of searching further, you thought quickly. You had no time to waste. You start looking for something useful that suits your situation. You need to apply pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding, right? You grabbed as many towels as you could and quickly went back inside.

You knelt down next to the couch and paused for a moment. Wait, I need to press the wound, but do I need to take off his clothes first or is that okay? God, what if it gets infected? Or what if he already caught it? What do I do then? No, no. Don't think like that. Don't think the worse. I'll have to clean the wound anyway, so I guess I should take off his clothes. God, he's not going to like this at all. Maybe he even needs stitches!! AHH, I HOPE HE DON'T NEED SOMETHING LIKE THAT. YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO STITCH SKIN! Okay, okay, calm down. You quickly pushed your thoughts aside and decided to keep pressing on the wound for now. At least you were going to keep doing this until the bleeding stopped. What if the bleeding doesn't stop? You brushed aside your concerns and quickly pressed the wound with one of the towels you brought. Pressure the wound as best as you can. Bullfrog groaned in pain and you quickly offered an apology, pleadingly. You saw him wince slightly from the pain, his chest rising up and down rapidly. He was out of breath. How much blood did he lose? Would he live? You tried to brush off your worries once again. He will be fine. Just focus on stopping the damn bleeding! You reassured yourself. You were scared. You felt like you were going to puke. You need to be there for him in his weak moments. While he trusted you to help him, you were afraid of letting him down and losing him. He believed in you and you are slowly letting him down to the point of letting him die in your arms because you are a useless being and incapable of anything— He would bleed to death in your arms. You guessed this wasn't an honorable death for him at all. God, what am I thinking?

𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐇𝐀𝐖𝐊 ⎢⎢ Bullfrog/Rayman x Reader OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora