Mike ~ Babysitter (Part 1)

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Hii! So I wasn't really planning on writing a long chapter, but here I am. This will be a 2 or 3 part little 'imagine' or 'one shot'. 

Fem reader


You parked your car in front of the little house you knew so well. You had not come to babysit Abby in a few months, but  you'd heard Mike had gotten problems with his work, so you hadn't hesitated when he'd called you to ask if you could take care of Abby. 

Grabbing your bag from the passenger seat, you stepped out your car and walked over to the front porch. You paused a second to take a deep breath in and you rang the doorbell. 

"Abby please, go open the door!" you heard Mike's muffled voice shout from inside the house. A few moments later, the door opened and Abby greeted you with a warm smile. 

"Hey Abby, ready to spend the evening with me?" you asked, taking off you shoes. 

She nodded and you followed her to the kitchen table where her drawings already laid scattered. She resumed her drawing as Mike came out of his room hastily, a new uniform on. 

"Hey Y/n, thanks for coming on such a short notice." he said, catching his breath. 

"No problem, you've managed to take a new job I presume?" you asked, leaning back against a chair. 

"Yeah, as a nightguard in a crappy place. I might need you to come over more often on the evenings for Abby."

"Okay works for me." you answered with a smile. 

"Thanks a lot, I'll leave you guys to it or else I'm gonna be late. You know the drill." he said before rushing towards the door. 

"Bye Mike!" Abby said.

"Bye Abby!" you heard from outside, before the engine of his car started and went off. 

You turned back towards the little girl, her mind already gone to her drawings. You grabbed a chair next to her and sat down to draw too. 

"Good night Abby." you whispered as you closed the girl's door. 

"Good night Y/n." Abby's sleepy voice answered.

You quietly went back to the living room, gathering all the scattered drawings the both of you had made. Hers were colourful animals and children. She always seemed to draw the same characters and she was really improving as the time passed, her drawings getting more intricate. 

You plopped yourself down onto the sofa and grabbed your phone. Mike had said he would come back in the morning, so you literally had all night to do whatever you wanted. You knew your unwritten essays were waiting for you in your bag, but right now you couldn't be bothered to take them out. You were too caught up in your thoughts. 

You had met Mike a few years ago because you had some friends in common. From the first time you'd seen him, he had caught your attention. He was a bit older than you and at the time, the both of you used to hang out regularly. But after what had happened to his parents, things changed. You hadn't seen him for over a year and only heard from friends how busy he was. 

Then, he had asked you to look over Abby. Once, then a few times, as he tried on different jobs. You grew accustomed to come over to play with the kid: Abby was a very sweet child, despite her quietness. Mike too was a sweet guy. Who couldn't have a crush on him? Well certainly not you. 

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