Chapter 1 (Aiko)

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As Aiko was checking how her hair looked in the mirror a knock hit the door, blissfully the girl went to answer. She came face to face with her best friend upon opening the door, with her black hair done in a ponytail and her blue eyes shining, Kaori gave off a similar aura to Kaede.

"Are you ready? We have twenty minutes till class starts" Kaori asked to which Aiko froze, realizing she hadn't put on her school uniform yet and was still in her pj's. Turning bright red, Aiko quickly mumbled "be right back!" and raced to her room, causing Kaori to sigh. Of course this was a daily occurrence for the two friends, which is why Kaori always went to pick up Aiko.

*Clearly unprepared and distracted* Kaori thought as she did her usual assessment of her friend, "Done!" Aiko cried out a few moments later, followed by the sound of a smack. With one hand rubbing her head Aiko walked out of her room, Kaori shook her head in pity before walking off.

Quickly Aiko closed and locked the door to her house, before running to catch up to Kaori, "thanks for picking me up Kaori you're the best!" Aiko said as she started laughing, embarrassed.

"Did you finish your notes for math?" Kaori asked while looking at the sky, "oh my gosh I forgot! Did you do the notes Kaori?" Aiko panicked, her eyes wide.

"Yes, I did and you can use them" Kaori responded, to Aiko's relief, then the hyper friend almost jumped before catching herself.

Kaede was walking with the brown haired and yellow eyed novel geek Junpei, also known as his friend.

"So what did you think about the novel I recommended, great huh?" Junpei asked poking Kaede, with a playful look on his face.

"It was okay, though the ending was a bit of a disappointment" Kaede replied in his typical casual tone.

"Oh come on Kaede, what was so bad about the ending?" Junpei demanded crossing his arms in mock seriousness.

"Well it was so plain, a relationship needs more of an actual build up" Kaede expressed in his usual calm tone.

"Stop it, why are you always so calm, show some emotion for once" Junpei playfully scolded, Kaede grinned slightly before replying.

"Fine, how's this", looking at Junpei he tilted his head, then proceeded to give a sly smile, causing both friends to just stare at each other seriously for a sec, before laughing.

"I said to show emotion not make yourself look like a literal weirdo!" Junpei managed to squeeze past his laughter.

"What are you talking about? I thought I looked cool," Kaede complained, giving Junpei a playful shove, "yeah you should stick to your natural cool" his friend recommended.

The two pairs of friends ran into each other, as they neared the school grounds. Noticing Aiko's nervousness Kaori decided to take the initiative, "hey Junpei you got a nice scarf" she said casually catching the two guys attention.

"Thanks Kaori, it was a gift from my cousin" Junpei responded, pleased to be noticed, Aiko's eyes kept sneaking glances at Kaede as the conversation proceeded.

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