3 | Morning Startle

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She stood there, her face expressionless

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She stood there, her face expressionless

He stood there, his beautiful curls and expensive robes replaced with his shaved head and Peacekeeper garments. He looked around, taking in the beautiful woods, the lush green trees hiding the jabberjays from his sight as the smell of fresh dirt brought him to life.

But that was the least of his concerns.

She stood there. Her. Fully alive, wearing a dirty long-sleeve and her rainbow skirt, hands full of fresh katniss. "Coryo?" she said shyly, watching the expression knitted into her lover's face. Her face soon started to change, though.

Her eyebrows creased together, her eyes glinted with worry, and her mouth frowned with concern. She took a small step forward, which caused him to step back with fear. Lucy Gray, here and alive.

As her mouth changed, opening and spilling concern, he looked at her directly in the eyes. He wanted to kiss, kill, yell, hug, hate, and love her all in one. His breath became heavier, and he drew air with caution, until it all came tumbling down.

He screamed into the air, dropping to his knees as he hit the dirt with his fists, pounding the Earth over and over again. His head spun around and around, as if he were to hurl the white liquor he had drank ... three nights before, right? No, 17 years ago.

Soon her delicate hands found his back and face, the callus of her palms fading softly into the soft parts and she caressed him. "Coryo! What's wrong, my love?" she asked, her tone filled to the brim with worry.

The hug caught her by surprise. He dug his hands into his sides as they looped around his darling, sobbing into the air as he placed his chin on her shoulder. He felt like dropping dead for what he'd done, and soon, his sobs turned to sniffs, and soon died out into a shamed look, as if nothing was worse than crying in front of his girl.

"What's wrong?" she asked softly as he let go of his hug, now caressing his face with both hands. He wanted to tell her. Everything was wrong. He was supposed to be attacked by a snake planted by her, and he was supposed to shoot her out until she disappeared. Just like it happened. Just like the song.

Little Lucy Gray got lost in the snow and never came back. Warrior and Hunger Games winner Lucy Gray Baird got lost in her own Snow and was never seen again. "Oh darling," she sighed as she realized he wouldn't be talking. 

He sighed, closing his eyes, until she disappeared from his grasp. 

He opened them right back up, but this time, he was in his father's newly repaired shirt, golden locks falling softly over his head. He gasped, looking around to see the diner hall, where Dean Highbottom had exposed the knowledge of him being poor and where he drooled over a thick slice of pie.

"Careful there, Luc!" 

He recognized the voice at once, turning to see the curly brown hair of none other than Sejanus, snickering at something, which was a rare sight for him at the time. He felt his hands shake, his emotions being toyed with at every corner of this.

The realization of where he was caused him immense, hollow pain, that dug a hole once more, deeper and deeper, hitting his heart with such power he felt his legs shaking. Too bad they weren't steady, because someone crashed into him.

Wincing at the pain of his bottom while Sejanus doubled over laughing, others starting to join in as he regained his composure, only to see Lucy Gray Baird giggling in a satin-rimmed suit, just as elegant as the others. Clemensia ran over, quickly throwing Lucy off him, scolding the pink cheeked girl-who couldn't seem to care less about it- while biting back her smile.

"The posca has really got to her," Clemensia said, turning with a reassuring smile and holding her hand out to help Coriolanus. He took it reluctantly, only to have Lucy throw herself on him again, yet this time he was well prepared. She placed her legs around him as he caught her, fully entangling him in a hug.

He held her as she nuzzled herself into his chest, laughing so off-tone he could only suspect the posca, Sejanus being right once more. But as of now, all he thought about was nuzzling him with passion in front of the other mentors. Wait.

She was nuzzling him with passion in front of the other mentors.

His face lit bright red, mouth agape at her light weight and powerful hug. He turned, Sejanus, Clemmie, and Arachne laughing hard. It was out of character and strange for them all (especially know-it-all Arachne) to be in this jolly mood, but he didn't question it, since the effect of this being his last worry, and more of how to stop this mess.

"Lucy," he whispered, taking her face into his fingers, watching her half-opened eyes flicker around in confusion. "Coryo," she answered, trailing her hands to his face and pulling him in, kissing him.

Every time she did this before had been lovely. But this took the cake, his stomach lurching with butterflies as he returned it. The darkness that consumed him whenever he closed his eyes to kiss Lucy Gray wasn't there. Instead, a bright glow of heavenly light took it's place.

He jolted awake, seeing the bright ball of soft yellow light comb the horizon with delicate passion. He turned, feeling his silk pajamas instead of his Peacekeeper uniform or the make-shift suit, and most importantly, a woman he didn't love, tangled up in his sheets.

彡 ●▬▬▬▬๑۩۩๑▬▬▬▬▬● 彡

The sun waking him up was the least of his concerns.

With a full day of overseeing Capitol and dealing with a party in the evening, he had no intention of waking up early. And yet, he couldn't stand the woman sleeping next to him. Her hair was against his back, and it annoyed him with such passion he threw the covers off with an aggressive push to start his day.

Livia groaned, the soft bed creaking as she turned away from him, a scowl covering her face. She's still annoying and a pain, even when she's sleeping, he can't help but think, sulking away from his bedroom, nearly tripping over a chair leg (much to Livia's sleepy entertainment).

He changed out of his clothes quickly, preparing to watch today's interviews with a fake smile, the same one he put on since the lovely age of 18. 

Clearing his throat as he adjusted his suit in the mirror, he heard the maids shuffling around, whispering and hushing his cooing son. Words couldn't describe how much he wanted his ungodly wife out of his bed, his presidents mansion, and his life most of all.

He sighed, remembering to think of nothing but politics, work, and breakfast.

Breakfast was a delectable spread of pancakes drizzled with syrup and fruits, with eggs to the side and an avocado sandwich. Well, that wasn't even a quarter of it, but it was what he managed to stuff down. He didn't have time to pity over the lost food, planning to start the day forgetting all about his dreams.

"President, sir." the soft, mechanic voice called from behind, and Coriolanus turned, sighing at the sight of his calm, collected assistant. Do assistants dream about true loves? The random, inconvenient question lingered in his mind as he walked through maids, reporters.

Soon, he found himself walking towards the game makers room with Constantine. His assistant tentatively placed the growing screen in his hand. "Sir, would  you like the latest updates-?" he started, but a slam into the room told him otherwise.

He followed the body of the president as he stopped, huffing with such force he looked like a bull. He may have looked mad, but an idea struck him. It struck him so hard he found himself gasping with surprise.

"Constantine, I want an interview with every tribute, off screen and as soon as possible!" he exclaimed, turning with wide, sea-blue eyes. Constantine nodded, quickly flicking through his tabs on the growing screen.

What better way to talk to someone that to get them alone with the thought of an interview.

Lucy, the lost soul was going to be discovered.

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