Therapy (part 1)

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Hey guys, thanks for 18 views, I love you all and appreciate it for reading it, have a great night. xx :)

TW PA/Panic Attack
Mention SH/Self harm
Suggestion by yori_2u

Charlie's POV:
I've been quite worried about Nick recently, he has been having lots of panic attacks and I don't know why I think he worried about me.

You see I self harmed a couple of weeks ago, and I went too deep, and I saw the worried face on him, he is so scared that I might to do it again.

I'm in the living room Nick just told me that he needed to use the bathroom, but he's been in there for about 10 minutes now, so I'm going to check up on him.

Nick's POV:
I told Charlie that I needed to use the bathroom, but I went in there, and I'm having a panic attack I've been having loads lately, probably because I'm worried about char he self harmed a couple of days ago.

Since then, I've been having loads of panic attack because I don't know when he might do it again it scared me that he self harmed again, and I couldn't even help.

I'm on the bathroom floor as I'm can't breathe properly and Charlie comes in and says "Nick hey breath" I say "I ca-nt" he says "hey Nick looks at me" I look at him bed says "1...2...3...4...5 and breath out" I did he repeated it again "1...2...3...4...5" and I calm down again I say "char" he says "hey love you better now" I nod.

He says "Nick you've been having a lot of panic attack recently" I say "yea I've been worried of you what if you self harm again, and you went deeper" I started crying I feel Charlie wrap his arms around me.

We stay like that for 20 minutes and we both get up he says "Nick I think we should get you a therapist" I don't know about the idea I have been never I know Charlie has about his issues, but I don't know about it.

I say "I don't know char" he says "Nick it's okay to be scared I think you should talk about it" I sigh and say "yea your right" he says "I call the therapy"

Charlie's POV:
Nick agreed to go to a therapist I'm on the phone to Martha "hey Martha" "hey Charlie let me guess you want to reschedule with Geoff" I say "uhh no actually but is there an available space for my boyfriend Nick Nelson he has been having panic attacks recently, and I'm worried"

She says "yes Charlie I have one space available with Dr Adam at 2:30PM" I say "that's great, thank you, Martha bye" she says "bye"

I go back to Nick and I say "hey Nick I've got good news" he says "what char" "I've got your appointment for tomorrow at 2:30 PM" he looks at me very pale like he didn't expect the news he says "that's great" in a sarcastic way.

I know he's scared he has never been to therapy he drives me to therapy but never went with me, but it's good to know what they say.

We eat lunch then we headed to bed, and I say "Nick I know you're scared, but it's good to talk about your feeling to someone else what isn't me and if it goes good I'll watch any marvel Movie you want"

He says "really okay char, love you" I say "love you too" and we drifted off to sleep.

Hey guys, do you want a part 2 of this please let me know and give me some more suggestions love you all.
-Josh 630 Words

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