1: Las Vegas.

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The air in the arena was electric. Jimin could feel the excitement of their fans coursing through his entire body. It was the last day of the tour in their American tour series that's why maybe the crowd was more energetic than before. It fueled him to do better for them.  They had begun in Asia then proceeded to Europe and finally America. He looked over at his other members who were having fun as they sang, their smiles brighter than the moon and the stars.

By the time the concert came to an end, they had interacted with their fans so much that he didn't want to leave. It was time to say goodbye to their fans who he'd dearly miss.

"It was very nice to meet you in Vegas. Thank you for having us. We love you Tannies." Taehyung shouted in his mic making the crowd scream so loud. The energy in the air made Jimin wish they could go on but unfortunately, like any other tour, it had to come to an end.

"You guys have been a wonderful audience. I can't wait to meet you next time. Love you guys!" Yoongi said next, waving to the fans and showing his gummy smile. Jimin felt so emotional to speak when his turn came. He looked at their audience making his eyes fill with unshed tears. He felt a hand squeeze his shoulder and turned to see his Namjoon hyung giving him an encouraging smile. He nodded slightly and turned back to the fans.

"Ah... I feel a little emotional because we don't know when we'll see you again. I'm so grateful to you guys for being with us through the last three months. I love you and please stay healthy till we see each other again." He sent finger hearts to them and received lots of shouts of love.

"Until the next time StigFam. Be healthy." Namjoon said. The four members held hands and bowed to their fans simultaneously. Their fans had made them into who they were. They stood back up and waved to the fans as they moved back until they were standing on the makeshift lift on stage. They continued waving as they went down.

They sprawled on the couches as their staff handed them some face towels and water. Jimin felt exhaustion creep in his bones, he couldn't wait to get back to the hotel room and just sleep.

"We should go clubbing. Enjoy Vegas before returning home." Taehyung said sitting up from his couch. The others groaned. Jimin was not sure if his soulmate's idea was good.

"Aren't you tired Tae?" Namjoon asked.
"Not that much. I want to get shitfaced drunk tonight. Besides, we'll be sleeping almost the whole day tomorrow so why not?" Taehyung said as he wiped his face.

"I'm in." Yoongi said.
"Your vote doesn't count kitten," Tae said back.
"Yah!" Yoongi shouted as he pointed at Taehyung.
"What? We are one, aren't we? Where I go you go and vice versa."
"Stupid couples with their stupid love." Jimin gagged and mumbled. "I'm in. I need to wash down your tooth-rotting romance." The couple were disgustingly sweet to each other to the point it made Jimin envious. He truly wanted what the couple had. He desired to be loved and taken care of. Jimin longed for companionship in his big penthouse.

"Ugh fine let's go then." Namjoon, their leader, finally agreed. They stood up and each headed to their changing rooms for quick showers. When they met at the parking lot, Namjoon informed their manager about their plans and he assigned a few security to go with them. They got in the five-seater car and the bodyguards in another car and drove off.

The driver found them an upscale club that only catered to VIPs so they weren't worried about sasaengs or paparazzi.

They sat in one booth and a waiter came to take their orders. They ordered strong drinks wanting to go hard just this once since it has been a while. Jimin looked at the dance floor where people were grinding against each other and suddenly his toes didn't hurt anymore. He loved to dance since he was young and had various accolades from the competitions he attended. He wanted some of that action.