Chapter 6: stay, please?

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It had been a long day at the BAU and everyone was ready to go home. The last case the team worked on took them a week to solve, but when they finally caught the unsub, it was too late. It was never easy dealing with something like that, especially for Hotch and Rossi.
Rossi had been in his office doing paperwork all day and told everyone who tried talking to him to "worry about their own paperwork because he's busy". You had never seen anyone so mad about a case and it genuinely made you kinda confused.
You made your way up the stairs to Rossi's office, going to tell him that it was late. But as you made your way up you noticed all the lights in his office off. You knock, but the door was locked, so knocked again and again and again, until you heard the door knob click, and Rossi emerged from the dark room, sticking his head out of the door to see what you needed.
His hair was pretty messy, and he looked tired beyond belief. Dark circles under his eyes, his goatee ungroomed, and droopy eyelids.
"Can I help you L/N?"
You could only frown at the man, creasing your eyebrows and giving him a sad look.
"Rossi," you started, walking towards him to get a better understanding between you two. "You need to go home."
Rossi gave you a tired look, sighing under his breath and walking back into his office, closing the door behind him.
You roll your eyes and walk into the small room, closing the door once again.
"Y/N please just go home. I have these files that are just calling my name." He can only give you a small smile in hopes that you'll listen to him. But knowing you, you weren't going to listen.
"Why don't you wanna go home Dave? Is it something I can help?" You ask, moving towards his desk where he was sitting at.

"You know those kinds of nightmares that just keep happening? Night after night to the point where you don't wanna sleep anymore? I keep having those. That little girl's face, her voice, the way she yelled out to me to help her. But I couldn't. I let that sick bastard of a man hurt her. I didn't do my job right Y/N, and now she had to pay the price of my actions." He looks into your eyes, hoping he reached some type of understanding with you.

"Rossi, I-"

"Do you know how hard it was... Telling that little girl's family that their daughter was raped and killed sadistically by a man they thought they could trust? That police officer was right under our noses and he just... The things he did to her-"
Interrupting him, you gave him a hug. He relaxed into your touch, burying his nose into your neck and wrapping his arms around you tightly. Once you both pull away Rossi gives you a warm smile, not one that begged you to go away, one that begged you to stay.
"Let me come home with you tonight."
Rossi gives you a look of confusion and misunderstanding, but you just roll your eyes.
"Not like that, jeez." You both laugh, easing the tension that was still lingering in the room.
He thought about what you were asking him, although he never asks for help, it wouldn't be weird to let you stay a night or two. You, in his bed? Sounds like a dream to him.
"Please David, I'm worried about you, and well, people your age-"
You cut yourself off right there before Rossi can give you the dirtiest glare known to man. "-I mean, it'll just be nice to have some company, right? Plus, what do you do in that big ol' mansion of yours all alone?"
"I'll have you know I actually -"
You smile sarcastically. "Hookers don't count."
He just rolls his eyes at you, grinning as he does so.
"You can stay the night at my place." He mumbles.
Quietly squealing with joy in a hushed manner, you go to grab your things while Rossi grabs his.
You both leave the bullpen, leave the reception area, and walk side by side outside.

Entering the beautiful mansion, you are told to wipe your shoes off on a rug before you "dirty something you can't afford to pay for. "
After that, Rossi leads you to the guest bedroom, the bathroom, and the kitchen. Since he was tired from a long day at work, he just passed out on his bed after changing into his robe. You got a robe too. While David's was dark maroon, yours was an exquisite black with white flowers.
Eyeing the robe, you slipped it on, leaving you bare underneath, with panties on of course.

You layed in the soft white king sized bed, looking up at the ceiling and smiling to yourself. But when you try to drift off to sleep, you had one of the reaccurring nightmares that David had been having. The little girl reached for your hand, screaming your name as her blood was spilled all onto her small body. A bloody stab wound replacing where her stomach would have gone.
You scream, finally waking up from the nightmare. It doesn't take long for Rossi to step into the guest room and hold on to you.
"Y/N, hey, it's okay. I'm here, no one's going to hurt you." Hearing this, your breathing pace slowed down at the touch of Rossi's soft hands, calming you instantly.
"Come sleep with me." Rossi spoke softly.
You thought about it for a moment, then looked at him and nodded.
Understanding what you meant by the nod, Rossi scooped you up into his arms bridal style and carried you to his room.
"Wow, so strong and handsome, especially for your age." You giggled into his ear. Upon hearing this he dropped you down onto the bed playfully and crawled into the sheets with you.
"Go to sleep, young blood." He teased. You laugh at his comment and finally fall asleep, knowing you were safe with him.

You woke up to being little spooned by Rossi, with him holding your waist while you were curled into him. He had his face snuggled into your neck and his goatee tickled your chin a little bit, causing you to giggle and him to wake up and see what he was doing.
He didn't care though. He stayed cuddling you and only held you closer. after opening his eyes for a bit he shut them closed in an attempt to fall asleep again before you spoke up. "David, we need to go, we have work in an hour or so." You squirmed to get out of his grasp which only made him whine like a brat.
"Y/n.. stay with me? Please?"
Not being able to say no to the adorable middle aged Italian man, you melted back into his touch, kissing the top of his forehead.

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