Episode 9 ~ Sabotage Below Zero

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Waking up, Riya had felt guilty for what had occured the night beforehand, but moved on quickly, due to the confusion of the snow outside. It was the middle of summer - how could've this been possible? Riya wasn't too used to the cold, but she didn't mind it...she didn't love it as much as Rosa did, though.

Rosa Maria was as excited as possible, noted the fact she hadn't really seen the snow, nor been in it. Riya was encouraging this happiness; in any case, Rosa quickly remembered the fact Lake wasn't here, stating how sad she was due to that....Riya comforted her, but whilst doing so, avoided eye contact, and quickly tried to change the subject.

Riya - Confessional
What...what would Rosa think of me, if she knew of what I did? The fact that I didn't tell her I knew Lake was going to be eliminated...would she even want to stay friends with me? 
It had to happen though. Lake is a huge threat overall, plus, if I want Rosa to be completely with me, she had to go.....I don't regret what I did, it was for the game, after all. My dreams, the better chance to win that money...I've been voted out once. I won't let it occur again..

The challenge was explained, and she began heading off; not before Karol had a conversation with her, about wishing to get to know her more. Riya immediately agreed to do so, as she saw no reason to not do so. Plus, an extra ally was always useful.

The conversation began, with the topic swiftly changing to the fact of how Karol even got voted out in the first place. Her learning about James & Aiden "lying" in order to get people out...what? They had succeeded?..

Riya, throughout her time on this show, had witnessed some dirty playing tricks....Mainly the way Yul played, and how far it managed to get him; and also, noting the fact she had done one herself (sort of) with Lake, and how much that had benefited her... 

She, though noticed it, didn't keep too much mind of it. Now, that had changed.....

Moving onto the challenge, her and Karol got paired up, and she was shocked to learn the wolf was helping out Karol. In any case, the conversation between Karol and Riya began again...this time, about their place in the game. Karol, of course, had noticed Riya's insecurities...and had tried to use that to her advantage. All it did for Riya, though, is set in her mind that...maybe she had focused on the wrong thing.

This entire time - she had been more focused on making connections, making friends; because of how lonely she had been, and how happy she had become with these friends. However, this had caused her to forget her original goals...

She came here to gain exposure, to gain her "big break". She wasn't going to get this "big break" without doing any of this differently. Being focused on friends had caused her "elimination" partly in Episode 3; why hadn't she learned any of this?

When she became more strategic, say when she decided to make an alliance with James & Aiden, or partly cause the elimination of Lake - it caused her to make it farther in the game. It caused her to meet her goals easier.

And the one time she played somewhat "dirty", by not telling Rosa about Lake, it had given her the best position possible...and learning about what had happened with James & Aiden; and how it caused Karol's elimination....it had changed her perspective partly.

Riya - Confessional
Karol's right.....I came here to gain exposure, to fix my finance issues, to get my big break. How am I going to get there with how I've been playing so far..? I love my family in India sure, but I can't go back! I've been trying for years, I can't throw that all down the drain! Something....something has to change... 

Moving onto the rest of the challenge, Rosa chose to have Riya as her partner, with the following line sticking out to Riya the most:

I trust you, Riya.. 

Insecurities returning refused to let her believe that statement. If Rosa had fully trusted her, she would've told her about the idol sooner then she did. If Rosa fully trusted her, she would've made that more clear then just this. If Rosa fully trusted her-

It was all blocked once Kristal began the challenge. Riya tried her best to complete it; because, of course, she needed the immunity. She headed down to the bottom of the mountain, and witnessed Aiden playing dirty, and getting away with it "again". He had eliminated Karol, his greatest enemy.. 

Riya - Confessional
Did you SEE that? Aiden....aiden played dirty, and look - his greatest enemy, the one person whom hated his guts, is now eliminated thanks to it..
This entire game, people have been playing dirty to get far, and it's succeeded....what if.....what if....

The challenge had finished, she had headed to the bathroom and had left, with Ally coming back up to her with another vote off offer. This time - with Rosa Maria. Although she didn't think Rosa Maria fully trusted her, she viewed that as a worse idea. Say Rosa did leave - she would be stuck between two duos, and yes she would have some power the first vote off, but what about the next...? It would be like the first situation she was in..

She decided to vote for Ally....but even then, she decided, that why continue the game like this? Why not change her gameplay so it would benefit her, let her succeed in HER goals?  

Heading back to the cabin, she had thought of a plan....a plan that would allow her to make it far. And although some part of her didn't want to do this, her insecurities, something she had been ignoring this entire time, had finally taken the better of her. This was how she could complete the goals she came here for.....she was ready to begin her plan.

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