chapter 15 the raid of redcliff castle and rescuing the blacksmiths daughter

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Joshua pov

We made our way into the redcliff castle dungeon I heard someone yelling for help

I drew my sword and quickly dealt with the undead creatures I saw a mage standing in a cell I approached the cell door

Jowen: thank the maker I thought I was going to die down here

Joshua: why are you behind bars

Jowen: I Poisoned the arl and I'm also melificar lady ysolde hired me to teach her son Connor

Alistair: Connor is a mage that must be what lady ysolde is hiding from us

Joshua: you summoned the demon didn't you

Jowen: no I was already in this cell when the demon took over

Joshua: then Connor must've summoned the demon

Jowen: I thought that to Connor must've made a deal to save his father's life

Morrigan: he may have Poisoned the arl but i say let him go he may be useful later

Joshua: what would you do if I let you go

Alistair: you can't be serious he's a malificar he's a fucking blood mage

Jowen: I'd try to make things right

Leliana: everyone deserves Redemption even blood mages

Joshua: I'll let you go now

Jowen: you won't regret this warden I'll make things right I swear it

We made our way through the castle killing shades and undead creatures I heard someone crying in a closet I quickly opened the door and I saw a young lady

Joshua: are velana Owen's daughter

Velana: you know my father is it safe is their a way out

Joshua: theirs a secret passage in the dungeon you can get out that way

Velena: thank you I can't wait to get home

We ran into the courtyard and I let the redcliff knights in we entered redcliff castle to see Bann Tegan acting like a jester

Connor: so this is the thing that stopped me from taking back my village what is this thing mother

Ysolde: this is a man Connor just like your father

Connor: this thing is nothing like father

Joshua: I won't let you get away with this demon

Connor: nobody tells me what to do nobody

Bann Tegan: nobody tells him what to do nobody

Connor: quiet uncle you remember what happens when you yell mother were am I

Ysolde: Connor thank the maker are you alright

Connor: get away from me you fool of a woman

Joshua: so demon you made a deal with a little boy that is sick

Connor: it was a fair deal father lives because I will it his time is over now it's my turn to send the knights to war and rule my kingdom kill them

Connor ran off and the knights and Bann Tegan began to attack us we quickly dealt with Bann Tegan and the knights

Ysolde: Tegan are you alright are you hurt

Bann Tegan: I'll live but now we must deal with the demon that is within Connor

Joshua: what is their to do I won't kill a child

Ysolde: ask the mage who brought this curse upon us in the first place

Bann Tegan: were is the melificar

Ysolde: he's in the dungeons

Joshua: no longer I let him go

Ysolde: you did what

Jowen entered the room and Ysolde ran towards him

Joshua: is their a way to save Connor through magic

Alistair: I don't usually recommend killing a child but Connor is a emanate danger to redcliff

Ysolde: is their any other way

Jowen: if their is enough blood we could send a mage into the fade to kill the demon but their needs to be a sacrifice

Ysolde: then I'll be the sacrifice

Bann Tegan: no Ysolde emon wouldn't hear of it

Ysolde: it's either I die for my son to free him

Alistair: their has got to be a better way

Jowen: if you had enough lyrium but you'd have to go to the circle of magi but who knows what Connor might do while you're gone

Joshua: we'll have to take that risk were going to the circle of magi I will not kill a child

Bann Tegan: very well we'll await your return

Ysolde: good luck warden may the maker watch over you

We went on a boat headed for lake calanhad we didn't know what was about to happen

End of chapter 15 into redcliff castle and rescuing the blacksmiths daughter

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