Rosie's performance

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Okay, hi! So I was watching ice skating (the most beautiful sport in my oppinion💕) and got inspired -though it's not about ice skating🤣. It's going to be about Rosie's ballet performance. (And I watched Love actually too - when I saw Martin Freeman I was like what?!😳 But it's a good movie, and the scene with the little girl singing in the end is really beautiful. So I imagined Sherlock and John sitting in front of the stage, watching Rosie.) And while we're waiting for the next chapter in All I want for Christmas is you⏳, here's an idea what might happen after season 4 (or 3, whatever you like).

Hope you guys enjoy!😁

It was finally The Day. They have been waiting for so long, enthusiasm filling the conversations when the Day of Days’ has been mentioned. But finally they no longer had to wait. Everything was now all settled.

The sun shone through the foggy windows of 221B Baker Street, warming up the scrubby flat and waking up the sleeping ones. The first one who awoke was John Watson (like always). He turned around in his bed and saw his husband sleeping soundly next to him, one arm thrown over his waist. He smiled and kissed the man's forehead, then made his way to the kitchen. He started doing his morning routine, which meant making tea for everyone. He then trotted upstairs to wake up his still sleeping daughter who was snoring quietly.

“Bumble, wake up.” He said, shaking her shoulders a bit. She made a sound of disapproval, turning to her other side. John chuckled slightly and tried again. “Hey.”

“Daddy stawp…” She murmured, annoyed. But said “daddy” didn’t do enough for the little girl’s request. “No…” She said again, not understanding why her father wasn’t letting her sleep.

“Rosie, you have to wake up or you’ll be late.” John said, sitting down on the edge of her bed.

“Where would I be late f'om? It’s Sat’day.” She said, burying her tiny head in her giant pillow. John rolled his eyes.

“Yes, and what is it on Saturday?” He asked, smiling a little. She didn’t seem to hear him, but when John was about to open his mouth, Rosie's eyes snapped open.

“The perfo'mance’!” She screamed in excitement and kicked off her blanket, letting Rapunzel and the others fall to the ground. She jumped out of bed and ran to her wardrobe, pulling out her prepared clothes. “Daddy, daddy, get dressed, we need to go-ah!” She said, the pink ballet costume falling on her face.

“Rosie, slow down Bumble, we have time.” John reassured her, standing up and took the costume into his hands. “Now go, get dressed, I’ll make some breakfast.” John said, smiling down at the too excited Rosie who was trying to take on the costume onto her PJs. “Okay.” He said then headed downstairs. He entered the kitchen and saw his flatmate sipping his tea in his usual blue robe. “Hey,” he said, “get dressed, soon we’ll have to leave.” He said, planting a kiss in the younger man’s raven curls.

“What for- Oh, it’s the day…” Sherlock said, taking another sip from his tea. John nodded and opened the fridge.

“Yes, Rosie’s really excited. She’s been working so hard, I really hope everything’s going to be okay.” He said and started to make breakfast. They heard a giggling sound and then heard Rosie stomping down the stairs.

“Daddy, I’m hung’y!” She said, climbing up onto a chair. Sherlock - seeing she couldn’t do it - raised her and placed her down on the chair next to him. “Ta Papa.” She said. John put down the plate in front of her, bread with butter on it. “Thanks.” She said and started to eat. “Papa, can you make my hair?” Rosie asked, looking at Sherlock questioningly. Sherlock smiled at her.

“Of course.” He said and picked out his phone from his pocket.

Rosie’s performance is today, will you come? -SH

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