Everyone laughs at this, including P'Pai.

As he walks off, Babe thinks he really does miss hanging out with his brothers and their friends. Maybe he should come more often once other things are settled down.

Once home he sends Rain the file and then deletes it from his call history, just in case.

He moves quietly getting ready for bed once he is home. He doesn't want to wake Charlie. He slides into bed and just lays staring at the cute alpha for a little while.

“Who are you really?” He whispers, brushing a lock of hair tenderly from Charlie's forehead. Babe would love to believe the other alpha is just who he seems. Only the phrase, “too good to be true” goes through his mind.

Rain stops by the guard trailer and gives the information of the alpha Babe wants investigated to P'Chai.

“Is Pa here?” Rain asks.

P'Chai shakes his head, “Graf wasn't feeling well.”

Rain frowns, “Is dad okay?” Technically Graf is Rain's stepfather, but Rain has become really close with the omega since he married his Pa.

P'Chai leans over and whispers confidentially, “I think he was just sulking because one of the pit bunnies was talking to P'Pakin.”

Rain giggles, that makes sense. It's a very Graf thing to do. “Oh, okay, I will call them tomorrow then. Thank you, P'Chai.”

Rain takes his leave and drives back to his condo. He is daydreaming about P'Phayu and wishing he was the one taking him home tonight. Going home alone sucks. He only hopes that someday the alpha realizes Rain isn't a child anymore.

Rain groans at the ringing of the doorbell. It’s almost lunch time but he didn’t get into bed until after six am and then it took him a while to fall asleep. Who is here on a Saturday?

“Coming!” Rain shouts. He stumbles to the door half asleep and opens it, half ready to tell off whoever it is. His words die when he sees his pa and dad standing there.

“Pa,” Rain whines, “I was going to call you, why are you here?” He moves aside to let them come in.

“I think I am allowed to come here since I pay for this condo.” His pa says, matter of factly, “Why were you still in bed?”

“Some of us actually sleep.” Rain grouses. “It’s not my fault your race is at such an ungodly hour.”

Graf smiles indulgently at the two of them, Rain and P’Pakin are like this every time they are together. He thinks it is a result of it just being the two of them for the first fourteen years of Rain's life. Rain had been the byproduct of a university affair between P’Pakin and an omega whose name his husband never mentions. Graf doesn’t even think Rain knows. According to P’Pakin the omega had been young and carefree. The last thing she had wanted was to raise a child. P'Pakin, being the son of one of the most influential and richest members of the Thai mafia, had taken the child to raise instead. It’s obvious to everyone that Rain and P’Pakin adore each other, and their banter is only really surface level teasing.

“Get dressed, Graf and I want to take you out to lunch.” P’Pakin says.

They go to Rain’s favorite Korean restaurant. Graf knows P’Pakin is trying to indulge Rain, not just so he will agree to what they are asking but also because he doesn’t get to spoil his son as much as he would like.

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