nothing compares to you

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i remember the day my love, henry standing bear, ask me out on our first date.
i had just moved back to Wyoming and i was visiting my friends at the sheriffs office, walt longmire was my ex, but we were still very good friends, ive always been in love with his best friend, henry, i had walked into the building and there he was. henry. talking with walt. i was so taken aback from just how handsome he was.

"there she is!" walt says to get henry's attention

henry turns and looks at him, he because so pale i thought he say a ghost.
"hello lexi..~" he says calmly

i wave to him and smile
"hi henry~" i say as i blush

the whole room goes quiet.
nothing but us looking at eachother.

walt interrupts the silence by shaking henry by the shoulders.

"would you like to go out for a drink with
me..?" henry says shakily
"of course! i'd love to!~" i says as i finally snap out of it.

and that's how it all we're married..
i never thought i'd be this happy..

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