"Let's find out" Demi opened the door scrunching up her face at the sound of Malayah whispering the inaudible.

"Rise and shine" They said in sync opening the lights making Malayah quickly hide under the cover whereas Kay laughed loudly.

"Morning, what y'all got there" Kay raised a brow as they walked closer to him carefully.

"We made you breakfast" Aubrey handed Kay the bowl and he smiled big looking at them all.

"Thanks guys I appreciate it" Kay held the bowl in his hand taking a bite but refraining from scrunching his face as the cereal was soggy. Instead he continued smiling as they watched him take another spoon.

"Why's Laylay hiding" Amelia put the bowl down on the dresser. Both her and Demi stood on the bed shaking Malayah's body.

"Give me a minute" Malayah spoke her voice barely heard since she was under the sheets.

"Nope we ain't giving you a minute" Amelia and Demi did a countdown from three before pulling the cover off Malayah. Everyone eyes shifted to Malayah who's body was wrapped in a grey blanket and her hair looked a mess.

"Oh wow Lay I think you need to redo your hair, it's not that nice anymore" Amelia made a yikes face looking at her.

"Here just put this on sissy" Demi handed Malayah her black bonnet that just so happened to be at the end of the bed.

"Thanks girls, I slept quite well so excuse my hair" Malayah explained making Kay scoff and shake his head cause she barely even got any sleep as they went round for round all night.

"You still look beautiful" Aubrey complimented

"Thanks princess, you look beautiful too" Malayah grinned wide looking at her.

"This mad soggy, how long you had this sitting around?" Kay complained not even being able to take another spoon of the cereal.

"Well if it's soggy don't eat it Kaykay" Aubrey suggested making him put the bowl down.

"Who you talking to?" He grabbed her body putting her on the bed tickling her as she uncontrollably laughed.

"I'm sitting this one out" Demi watched knowing if she attempted to help Bree she would also get tickled and she didn't want that.

"Me too" Amelia and Malayah chimed in.

"Thanks for the cereal guys that's so cute, have y'all eaten?" Malayah asked looking at all three girls once Kay finally stopped tickling Bree.

"Yea we had cereal too" They spoke at different times but all agreed. Kay grabbed his phone from the dresser listening in as the girls explained a movie they watched in the morning to Malayah.

"So what's the word, what we doing today?" Kay put his phone away and they all shrugged.

"Can we go swimming?" Aubrey asked making the twins squeal in excitement.

"Yeah we can actually, my building has got a pool" Kay shared the excitement but the girls all shook their heads no.

"That's boring, not really an adventure if it's just downstairs" Aubrey waved him off.

"I don't want them to go downstairs hella creeps use them vicinities" Malayah spoke in reference to the time her and India walked past the sauna having the misfortune to see a bunch of old naked men.

"Aight I think it's an indoor water park not far away from us" Kay grabbed his phone again opening safari to look for a place.

"Do y'all have swimming costumes?" Malayah wondered and all three of them shook their heads no the costumes they had were in their own homes.

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