"Kay I don't want you to get involved in my shit like you a rapper now, you can't afford to be at the scene it's not the right publicity you need."

"Malayah don't say my shit cause whatever you go through it's my business too, we go through shit together. I know you mean well but what trouble could I possibly get into by just driving around to look for that nigga?"

"Kay I love you, but I've already said stay out of it okay. Let's talk about something else" Malayah wiped her tears away.

"I love you more but you being weird. But you his sister so you know better I won't press it no more since you don't want me involved."

"Kevin don't start, I never said I don't want you involved I just don't want you to get in trouble. These are some dangerous people that Micah's ass got involved with, you are very irrational and reckless you gon end up shooting someone or maybe even killing them and then you gon end up in jail because of my shit" She ranted.

"You got it Malayah. You think I'm just sloppy and some reckless ass nigga who leaves tracks?" Kay sucked his teeth now offended.

"Baby I never said that. I don't want us to argue let's just leave it alone!" She leaned in pecking his lips then once she tried to intensify it Kay gently pushed her face away.

"I'm not jacking that. You tryna shut me up!"

"Kay I'm going through a lot like I just found out my brother is missing. The last thing I want is for us to argue as my boyfriend you meant to be offering support not working against me."

"Working against you? You saying anything Malayah. I am supporting you. The fuck here I am tryna go look for this nigga and you saying no. Yu really make no sense at all" He raised his voice now irritated.

"Kay stop, you making me upset" Malayah buried her head into Kay's chest now crying.

"Malayah watchu crying for?" Kay softened his tone realising he might be being harsh.

"I'm overwhelmed Kay. I don't know how to feel I want to blame myself and then here I am causing problems wit you. I'm sorry" She breathed out whilst sniffling.

"You good Malayah. It's been a long day let's just go to bed. Tomorrow when we in a better headspace we gon talk properly and look for your brother. Don't blame yourself aight" Kay rubbed the small of her back.

Once she had calmed down his stood up keeping her in his arms slowly taking them upstairs. They had a 45 minute shower together then laid in his bed watching fresh prince of bel air. They laid in each others grip Kay's head rested on Malayah's chest. He loved using the woman's large breast as a pillow.

Malayah ran her hands through his scalp her nails gently scratching the area and he loved the feeling. Hearing him yawn she smiled.

"Are you tired Kay?" She now moved her hand to stroke the man's soft cheek.

"As fuck" He yawned lowering his hand to the strap of her panties smirking to himself.

"Boy stop" Malayah giggled.

"I love you man" Kay raised his head from her chest looking deep into the woman's eyes.

"I love you so much and it don't make no sense, I know be pissing you off" she snickered.

"Usually when someone pisses me off I just curse them out and cut them off, could never do that you though" He laughed between a yawn. It was true he had a low tolerance for annoying people but cutting her off was never something he could do he was in too deep.

"I'm sorry I don't mean to intentionally annoy you" She assured and he nodded to show he understood still looking at her.

"You good mama, you good" He leaned in kissing the woman sliding his tongue into her mouth as the kiss intensified. Not wanting to get carried away he pulled away and they began discussing random things until Kay drifted off in Malayah's grip.

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