Chapter 26: Duel for the Merry

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"The Merry can't be fixed!" Luffy yelled out in absolute anger. His words caused silence among the crew. Usopp stood in shock by his words.

"Wha... what did you just say?" Usopp's voice shook as he spoke. (Y/N) started to cry quietly for her long nosed friend.

"Don't make me repeat myself... I told you, the Merry can't be repaired anymore." Luffy tried to hide his anger and frustration, but it was clear as day. "No matter what we do, we... we can't fix her."

Usopp dropped to his knees in absolute shock as Luffy continued. "Otherwise I wouldn't say something like that."

Usopp slammed his hands against the Merry's floor. "You mean this ship?! The ship that were riding on is broken?!

"That's right. It's only a matter of time before she sinks." Luffy told the man in front of him. (Y/N) sniffed a bit before wiped her tears from her face, nodding her head in agreement.

"What are you taking about, Luffy? That's nuts." Usopp looked away from his captain in anger.

"No I'm serious." Luffy explained calmly. "The shipwrights took a look at the Merry themselves. They said she wouldn't even hold out to the next island."

"Then it's settled, so that's it?" Usopp looked back at Luffy. "A bunch of strangers told you to scrap your ship and you don't even ask any questions?!"

(Y/N) was about to speak, but her captain quickly spoke up. "That's enough!"

"I understand these guys know what their talking about, but this is just wrong!" Usopp grinned his teeth at his captain. "DON'T GET UP ON THE MERRY!! What about all the adventures we've gone on together?! What about the battles we fought?!! She's our friend! She's one of us! ARE YOU GOING TO ABANDON HER FOR ANOTHER SHIP WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT?!"

Silence fell upon the group for a few moments before Usopp spoke again. "After all we've been though... is that how little the Merry means to you, Luffy?!"

"I know you're upset, Usopp, but you need to calm down." Chopper walked up to comfort his friend.

"I'm sorry, but no. I'm not backing down until we settle this!"

"Usopp, please." Nami tried to reason with the man to no avail.

"What?!" Luffy spoke down to his crew mate. "So you know better than the shipwrights?! If we had someone on the crew who knew about this stuff, we wouldn't have asked them in the first place!"

Usopp looked up at to his captain. "Then forget them! We don't need those guys telling us what to do. I'll repair the Merry myself, just like before." Usopp tried to stand up. "We've made it this far, so there's no reason we can't go on that way. I'll get started right now. Come on guys, help me out!"

"That's not gonna work." Sanji told the man who started crawling to the main cabin's door.

"That's right. We don't have enough lumber do we? I better go buy some at the ship yard. We have a lot work to do!"

Luffy yelled at the man. "YOU'RE NOT A SHIPWRIGHT, USOPP! YOU HEAR ME!"

"Yeah you're right, I know! But so what?! I don't see why you're so hung up on everything those stupid shipwrights say!" Usopp clenched on the catalog on the ground. "If they knew what they've gone through, they wouldn't have given up on the Merry so easily! They just want your money!! They Merry's our ship, so it's out job to take care of her without someone else butting in. I'm not giving up... I WON'T LET THEM TAKE THE MERRY AWAY FROM ME!!"

Usopp claimed that Luffy got fooled by the shipwrights trying to sell him a used ship. "Luffy I know wouldn't cave in to some sale's pitch from a total stranger!" Usopp finally stood up, yelling back at his captain. "He'll believe in the strength of the Merry and the strength of his crew!"

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